it was common knowledge that 1 point of damage increase would give you 7-8% increase in damage however when i was collecting some data for poison resist and poison damage reductions, i found out that these estimates can be way off. heres some of the data i collected below but im not done yet and steam has stopped working for me, ill run more test tommorrow.
Triglav____________hit 1__ hit 2__ hit3__ charge
no bonus__________ 184__ 225__ N/A__ 320
max sword bonus___ 249__ 300__ N/A__ 419
increase %________ 35%__ 33%__ N/A__ 30%
Glacius____________ hit 1__ hit 2__ hit3__ charge
no bonus__________ 150__ 150__ 209__ not collected
max sword bonus___ 235__ 235__ 302__ not collected
increase %________ 56%__ 56%__ 44%__ not collected
BTB_______________ hit 1__ hit 2__ hit3__ charge
no bonus___________ 148__ 148__ 184__ 267
max sword bonus____ 205__ 205__ 249__ 352
increase %_________ 38%__ 38%__ 35%__ 31%
hope this crude table makes sense (thank god i previewed it first ;p)
its late ;p and im tired lol so i may have messed up somewhere in the reasoning but all the data should be right. all these test were run D19 against slimes and zombies wearing no dmg bonus then with full skolver + BTS. all damage is versus neutral mobs (no special dmg bonuses).
not that it really matters... and spiral knights damage calculation is bizzare 0-0 and i expect the devs want it to be that way. just to put out there that with the data so far damage increase can range from 5-9 % per bonus rather than 7%.... and no love for triglav from three rings ;p big suprise lol oh well...more reason to get ASI for slow swords then. would be cool if someone could run more test or even tell me sth i missed ;p. I will see tommorrow gudnight
EDIT : former damage bonus at 7% should be an average value... but i guess its good to know how much it can differ from that value and how little love triglav is getting TT *sniff*
Notice how the only split weapon had the biggest increase, while both one damage type weapons are similar.
If that means something.