I know its supposed to be blocked with the static Swarm Signal that prevents seeing your minimap in the Unknown Passage (I've been there about 6 times).
However, today while in a group, when we made it there my map was visible. When I died and switched to my teammate's view, the minimap was covered by the Swarm Signal again, everyone's but mine. Pretty sure this is a bug, so I won't post any screenshots yet (since the devs probably didn't want it mapped.) After making it to the Sanctuary, my minimap was blocked again and static (though i do recall having a map last time...)
Bug on top of bug? Either way has anyone else noticed that? And if a GM sees this could you approve/disapprove me of uploading images of the map? I think this could be quite useful (sorta not really) but even then I only was able to maps sections of it (Primarily just the 2 main fights there and a bit of the path to them (as i died so i couldn't see it all the time on my friend's)).
And I'm not sure to send this to Bug Reports, or Wiki Editors, or Technical Issues, or what, so I'll leave it here until it needs a move.