He's just sitting there afk! He won't move.. So we can't finish the level...
I'm on a level, me and some guy finished the whole thing..but theres an AFK Guy...
but what happens when that happens? :l if the person refuses to do anything!
Yeah, its annoying. When people go AFK (away from keyborard) without telling group they do it. They should at least tell you that they go AFK and when they return, or even ask if you will wait or he has to go solo.
There are 3 methods to deal with afkers who left without notice and you dont know them:
If you are leader, its simple, kick him. But if you are not there are things you can do:
- wait 15 minutes, after that he is autokicked even if he is a leader. You can check how long someone is afk using /tell IGN . 100% working.
- make him die, lure monsters on him, if he is dead, he will travel with you up to elevator. Not always working. Sometimes they go afk in place where monsters cant reach him, like behind a barrier.
Also if someone is deconected (red plug icon above him) its not a problem, since he will go to every party button with you and will be kicked at elevator.
If he is the leader you're honestly kind of screwed, all you can do is hope that he idles too long and is disconnect due to it. If he is not the leader then it is rather simple... click his picture, hit remove from party, problem solved.
Things like that happen. He/she could have lost connection, or their client crashed, and because the server doesn't know about it for some reason so they aren't insta-kicked, but rather disconnects them after they time out.
Best way to deal wig afk's is to lure a monster over them to kill them. This is the only way, since they patched the anti-AFK Flamberge. That was a good way to kill afk's. Fire pots work too, though they are not common in the clockworks.
You know, I doubt this is the proper thing to do, but couldn't you ask for GM intervention when it gets really bad? They actually seem pretty good about sorting out similar things. It might even convince them that developing a votekick function would be worthwhile. >_>
GMs are busy ppl, they dont often have time to come in important matters, while kicking 1 afk person is not that really important for them.
Moral of the story:
Start your own parties.
Is he the Leader? Wait it out. He'll get a Kick after a few Minutes or so.
Are you guys the Leader? Kick 'em.