I'd call it a glitch, i know what i did to trigger it but it's boring if I just report it before reading your crazy ideas.
I'd call it a glitch, i know what i did to trigger it but it's boring if I just report it before reading your crazy ideas.
Just return to haven before the screen goes black and it shows the haven loading screen with the edges from the elevator depth, simples.
I know, it's hard to fathom that someone named "Juances" would speak spanish.
I am Mexican, but I can't read or Talk Spanish very good, because I was Born in the US, so I mostly learned my words from School(Which is an English-Spanish, mostly English, speaking School). Kinda weird, huh? I mean, I still understand a lot of Spanish from where I live, but I still can't seem to Talk/Pronounce it very well. I'm kinda the Oddball out of the Bunch with my Family, being part of 1/50 people who are Mexican but can't Talk it.
Sorry, am I getting Off-Topic?
Anyways, my name is from the Fact that I like a lot of Big, Heavy Duty Helms from various games(IronSkull=Helmet) & because I'm a Kid(Well, technically a Teen), In case you were wondering.
What about you? Where'd you get yur name from, hmm?
Nicoya was the chief of the Chorotega indians who lived in central america in what's now Costa Rica, at the time of the spanish conquistadors. He ended up with a peninsula and a gulf named after him.
I kinda liked the name, so I swiped it
I'm considered crazy. When I play games, I can be quite destructive.
I just took it from there.
I get a screen like that every time I do FSC since the core is boring and empty.
As for my name...I don't really remember, but I think I read it somewhere? It's Finnish for chaos (also, apparently hurly-burly, whatever that means. Oh Google, why must you confuse me so).
a guy from a show called shaman king, which was my most favorite show ever when i was 8, had a move called "Mysticbeam!!!!!!!!!" he then proceded to shoot a OP laser out of his palm and pretty much pwn all the good guys ^_^ they eventually beat him tho =_=
go watch some of the episodes on youtube or some random anime, the guy might be there :P
he kinda looked egyptian with beige robes and ofc an eye tatue on his palm :P
@above SO it WASN'T because you found Dusker recipes for like 5 days straight?
See, making stupid random threads is a way to learn something.
And no one guessed, Tab someone, but go up.
BTW my name comes from merging Juan C. -es (español/spanish)
My username was created right after I had watched the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part I, and somewhere in the movie there are these fruit called Dirigible Plums.
That, and my need for an in-game name other than goaly26 prompted me to get a more original name, and dirigible was the word floating through my head then.
As for the glitchy screenshot, I have no idea...
from Norse mythology, because all the cooler Norse names were already taken, I really had to scrape the bottom of the barrel.
well i wanted to have the name falcon but it was already taken so i just took dis 1 :T
I read your name as "Jaunces," like Jaw-N-Ces. I must've swapped the u & the a. I feel so dumb when I do that...