I'm at Aurora Isles: The Jelly Garden, Ruby Sun gate, tier 1, right now, but there seems to be an unaccessible path, which has no visible entrance.
It isn't part of the main path to the elevator, but I'm just dying of curiosity to know what is there.
This is my 3rd time on this map, and I STILL can't find out how to get in there.
Please, if you're online right now and can help me, tell me your in game name so I can invite you.
Unaccessible path in Aurora Isles

thank you man; curiosity was eating me inside <.< why would they do do this? I spent my freaking energy, damnit. thank you again, anyway.

same map, wrong gate. You can get behind that gate if you beat the enemies from that party button.
The area I'm talking about is up ahead. It isn't hard to spot it.

That's where the Jelly Green Giant used to live.
You ask why? I already said "some reason." :p
But really, I think it had to do with Aurora Isles being in the newb gate (that is, the gate in the rescue camp), and the newbies getting slaughtered in there. So, rather than remove Aurora from the gate, they axed the danger room.
Though I could be talking out my ass for all I know. I don't recall if that was the reason for this, or the removal of something else. My memory is terribad.

That used to be a place for the Jelly Green Giant, something about it wasn't right so they took it out. It hasn't been there since like later in beta... if it was ever open.

The Jelly Green Giant was a beta monster, removed once Three Rings found that this monster would tear the new knights apart. Nick has mentioned that they may appear at a later time.

Same with the Tortodrone and Vog and his/her cubs.
Old danger room. The entrance to it was removed due to some reason. You can't get there, so don't fret about it.