Running from Steam, whenever I try to log in "The game is in the process of being updated"
I was bidding on something. D:
Can I please play? :<

Yeah, I keep freezing up on a black screen after the character screen. Music is still playing and I can open the options, but that's about it. Anyone got any ideas for a fix? I thought it was somethin' to do with maintenance or serverside, but my gf just logged on fine and tehre seems to be too few posts about it to let me keep thinkin' it's everyone..
black screen when trying to enter town

I am too bidding on something!! I want ittttt D: Maybe 3O made a whoopsie? I thought the snow wasn't leaving for a few days?

Also, I just get a black screen when I try to get into pvp. what's up with all the loading issues? D: :<

Maybe it's a 64-bit OS issue? I'm just throwing ideas out here, and if anyone is on a 64-bit OS and can play please stand up?

I'm on 64 bit and CAN'T play :C
Also, every few times I try logging on I get the "The game is being updated" message o.0

Running on steam...
And tried my non steam account and it doesn't works too ^^
FIX IT please.

Yeah I'm having a similar problem, other characters work fine, but when I use my main character, I get stuck at the "heading into town" message.
I was disconnected by the server before the reboot, does that affect anything?
I'm lost and frustrated, I wanna play too =/

32 OS.
Fix it for floppy organs sake that auction is ending in less than an hour.

Would you happen to be bidding on the PAX Bombhead? That's ending shortly, and I bet hundereds of people are raising it up nicely while we wait

I have tried to log on, and i have had the "heading into town glitch", then i had the game is being updated please... then a black screen but the music glitches back to the beginning and after clicking "ok" in the options menu the curser stays locked in the pointing finger graphic (hyperlink stylie).
I have re-installed the game, updated to java 6 update 30, on 2 seperate computers to no avail. It is not an x64 bit OS issue.
This thread is in the wrong part of the forum, please put it in technical issues in the future so the gm's can be more easily alerted. I mean seriously as if the forum could be even more straight forward -.-

Well, guess I'll just go waste time and do somethin' else until it gets fixed.
Can I complain that I activated a Krogmo Booster becasue I had all night to play and wanted to farm mod.cals for my new set, and now can't play becasue of a serverside issue?
Reimbursment, OOO, Krogmo Boosters only last one day and are not cheap! D:

64 OS, non steam user, and I haven't been able to get into town since the update...

Making me realise that doing an internet while OOO decides to let us play is alllllll we can do

Why, just why? ; ; Out of all the updates THIS one had to happen, RIGHT now. RIGHT when I'm bidding.

Gabe sat on your computer. Oh well. Wait till he wakes up.

This is starting to be hopeless.
Does redownloading and installing the game do anything?

Looks like they fixed that. I am in the game!

I just kept trying and trying, and eventually got in
(On a side note, SK just spazzed out and opened the steam overlay over my firefox window 0.o)

Oh man.. it's on very short and now this happens.
Thanks god for guildies.

I can get ingame now, but every time I try to open my friends/guilds tab I get a Java Platform SE binary error and the game crashes. Every other tab seems to be working fine, so it's not a major issue but...well, it is somewhat annoying to not be able to check on friends/guilds listings to invite/join games. Anyone got any idea what this is about?

Odd, I was able to play Lockdown earlier, post-patch. But now it keeps sticking at the black screen of not-loading. On that note, anyone notice the board claims there are ~800 people playing lockdown?

Same thing happens to me. BLack screen when accessing, town or new lvls in the clockworks. Cant play. its hte second time TODAY that something prevents me from playing and i have an elevator pass: iw ould expect reliability for my money.

just used my last coin booster and can't get into a game. I better get something out of this.
I have also have a problem- the "heading into town" glitch/bug is happening. Can't get into the game.