Every crafter out there well some of em crafts a 2* Item for 1.4k crowns n 50 EN provided that the person provides the mats. Is this correct, or r crafters suppose to accept all the Mats, EN, n 400c without charging a fee for crafting the item?
Do Crafters deserve to be payed?
Do they deserve to be paid? Yes.
Why would they not deserve to be paid? There exists no scenario I can imagine where they would deserve nothing.
I've made over 30k ce by crafting high star items for high rollers. But mostly chump change for crafting instant craft stuffs.
Obviously they deserve to be paid, they're offering a service. Now how much is a matter of opinion.
Also if you're looking for free crafting for low level stuff:
What would be the regular crowns you would charge for crafting fee for each * equipments that people would agree to pay for the crafted item?
Of course, they bought the recipe themselves and are offering their time to save you a bit of cash.
Why would they even craft your stuff if they gained nothing?
Some people just don't understand this and doesn't want to pay. What can we do about them? Don't craft the item for them because they don't pay the crafting fee?
My only question is, how are low levels expected to learn how to do this, and start crafting for people, with a 'free' crafting service around? :l
Now we're encouraging only high levels to participate in a market or something, since the energy prices are already on the path to being beyond the reach of people who just joined?
How kind.
Because every last person in that thread is unreliable :D
Ok I'm exaggerating a bit, but to use myself as an example. I'm not available on nights or weekends. If you live in America, I only can do this early in the morning or in early afternoon when most people are at work or school (only my school computer can play this game).
And I've never explicitly received an invite from that thread to do anything. The three free crafting things I have done were when I was lurking in Haven and I saw some people looking for a crafter.
Additionally, not every person in that thread actually has every recipe, some just have the most popular and blah blah.
Also, "high level" is a bit much for me, I only recently acquired my third three star item. And I don't have that many more three star recipes. I don't even have the MONEY for more right now lol. I'm kind of just in that thread just because I figured why not? I've been buying lots of 2 star recipes just cuz I wanted to do it, I even was considering doing it for money but if someone contacts me for a freebie, its not a big loss if they give me the stuff and I'm not doing anything.
Additionally, crafting is really meant for yourself rather than others, making money off of crafting for others is a risky business since people would have to place a LOT of trust in you with their items. But once again, because people in that thread cannot be counted on, anyone who wants to sell their services, can feel free. Another note, I believe in trying to keep it at 1-2 star crafting only. And not everyone even bothers to read the forums so someone advertising their cheap service is more likely to get a hit than any one of us.
But even without all of that, anything is up to the whims of the players, as I was trying to sell materials last Friday, someone was sitting in Haven talking about how they were giving away meteor motes last night, just because they felt like it. Then someone else came up selling for cheaper than I was with my half off materials lol. That's just business. But that person won't be around ALL of the time, or in all Havens, so I can always try for another area :D
Also Zack you're kind of playing both sides here, in the post above you act as though it should be free, then after Zedoshi, you say you agree that it shouldn't?
Anyway, as for me, a tip is appreciated no matter what item or star level. I like around 500 but even 100 is nice. And I don't always do business based off of that thread (I need money too >.>) so I can PERSONALLY attest to the fact you can still make money even with that thread being there hehe..
Pupu: Why would they even craft your stuff if they gained nothing?
Answer: Converting mist energy into crystal energy.The mist energy will regenerate so the next day you are indeed 100CE richer.
You're assuming this person has mist energy to begin with, its a useless commodity for a lot of us.
As for the main topic ; Yes they deserve to get paid, they're providing a service.There is no if or buts about it.You can't argue this.Think about it from their perspective they're just trying to make some money back from the money they already invested for said recipe(I know thats how I started).Honestly you're just acting spoiled if you believe crafters shouldn't charge a fee.How much is up to the individuals in question but there's no doubt its well within their right
You don't want to pay? that's fine theres a lot of crafters in almost any game that will do things for free or minimal profit that just want to "help the community" find them but understand that the people that do provide free crafting services do it out the kindness of their heart and you should be eternally grateful not think believe its your right.
THAT BEING SAID, I honestly prefer to deal with crafters that charge a fee, they're less likely to scam you and run away with your items.But that's just me.
p.s. Excuse the terrible grammar about to fall asleep.
@sasano19: I'm not assuming anything :) Pupu asked why anyone would craft for no added cost and I gave him a valid reason. I know people who do it for this reason.
As for the OP, it seems this thread started with a rhetorical question and a lot of people are missing that point.
@kaybaol: you are assuming you even have the 100 mist energy. what you say is true, in that "free crafting" can be used to turn mist energy into CE.
but that is a corner case. representing only 1 3-star item or 2 2-star items on average per day. anything higher than that or in higher quantity certainly deserves payment.
the crafter has to:
1. have the recipe
2. spend the TIME to make it for you
the time is the big one to me. even getting the recipe takes time. screw the materials. if i'm lounging around in the Haven Bazaar trying to sell crafted goods I expect to make some money. after all, i could just go do runs and make huge money. investing time in crafting should yield crowns, just like investing time in doing runs should yield crowns.
it's that simple really.
sometimes it boggles my mind how stingy people are. most won't have a problem paying a bit above the price of materials + alchemy to give the crafter a bit of profit to compensate him for his time. other people will whine about the price saying they could "make it cheaper if their friend did it for them." such silly people. even if it was your friend, you should compensate them in some way as they are doing you a favor. even if its just some spare mats you could toss their way. SOMETHING...
I craft for free.
Well not for free, because for the most part I've actually lost money crafting for people.
So it's free for everyone else, except me.
But I don't really care.
I do it because it's something I want to do.
Tipping someone who bought something and then used that something to help you out is just common courtesy.
I always tip, always. In every game I've played, I've tipped for crafting services. In my mind, the alternative is to go out and learn the recipe myself and then craft it. or.. tip someone who already knows it to save myself the time, and cost, in gathering the recipe.
In World of Warcraft, the no tips or 1 copper (TROLOLOL) tips became a problem and ever since then, if I craft for you, and you don't tip, you go on /ignore. I won't throw a hissy or nerd rage on you. I just simply make it so I don't accidentally do business with you again.
I craft for free - just your mats/energy/crowns and that's all I expect. I don't really mind and I don't expect to get paid for a recipe I bought because I needed. That'd just be ridiculous. Charging YOU for something *I* needed in the past.
The point is if you charge a small premium for crafted goods, it still ends up being cheaper for them to buy it from you than it would be to go find/buy the recipe themselves.
Buying the recipe is an investment. No point in investing in it if you can't get a return.
For instance, if I need an item and I don't want to go down that crafting road, I'm HAPPY to pay a premium above and beyond the cost to craft the item. It still ends up saving me tons of crowns! Plus, it keeps the people crafting happy, and that's what you want.
I'm more along the lines of Addy. The recipes I bought and learned are for items I've needed myself. Once I've crafted said items, now what? In theory, having better gear means I can go deeper into the Clockworks and make more money to recoup the cost over time. If I see that someone is looking for an item I can craft, or the recipe for that item, I'll usually offer to craft it for them. This is a "favor to the community" thing. Someone is benefiting from my experience, and I know I appreciate it when the favor is returned.
I offer to craft for the cost of materials only, but have never turned down a tip either--a lot of players just see that as a fair thing to do anyway. Whenever someone has crafted for me, I'll include a tip or check to see if they need any mats I may have.
I've yet to come across any craft scammers in the game. At this point the community is relatively small for a MMO, and the trolls have yet to invade. :)
True, they'd probably buy the recipe for themselves, but they also deserve some sort of pay besides a tip.
I mean, they're using something THEY invested in to help YOU.
People tend to fit one of the following categories when it comes to crafting goods and selling them:
Capitalists - People who believe that the crafting follows realistic or pseudo-realistic economics
Benefactors - People who craft without wanting compensation for the sake of helping others
People also tend to fit one of the following categories when purchasing goods:
Businessmen - People who wish to pay something in return for goods and services
Recipients - People who accept crafted goods in return for as little as possible.
None of the above present problems, just like in the real world. There are people who donate to causes they consider just, and those who will only do things for economic benefit. The real problem is when people start trying to assert their opinions as the only valid option.
Just like the "Stop Having Fun Guy" and the "Scrub", having an opinion isn't a problem. I prefer using handguns and bombs for solo runs, because it makes the game reasonable. That's not always the ideal combination for everything, but I enjoy it. A scrub would call me cheap for using a combo that makes it hard for the enemy to compete, and a Stop Having Fun Guy would criticize my less-than-ideal combination. The same concept applies to crafting.
Just because you need something doesn't mean you're entitled to it. Just because you craft something doesn't mean you're required to do it for free or for profit. The problem is never the opinions, it is the people who wish to impose their opinions on others. These are the arguments that clog up local (or in extreme cases, world) chats. This topic is pretty well done. The bottom line is that people have mixed opinions on the subject, and there isn't a clear-cut answer. If you wish to keep this game friendly, don't go complaining about one or the other.
You're not paying for the recipe. So yes.
Unless they're charging more than the recipe costs.