I am looking for a guild for myself.
i am a t2 player.
i play casual, so i don't use real money and i am on an hour maybe more a day. i am looking for a guild that is has good members but takes some new ones, i'm only playing for a few days but going the right way. i would like if the guild goes on special runs like shadow rooms and stuff. Not asking for money or CE, just a fun casual guild to join XD.
leave a post here and i'll check in a day or so who wants me in their guild.
PS my IGN is Kaesareru, if you want to know who i am sent me a friend message with the message "wanna check you for my guild".
PSS i'm 16 if that matters and a pretty...eh... i wouldn't call me pro in the gaming scene but i'm close.
EDIT already applied somewhere, so no longer searching XD