The tale of a bandit

WHY? now the skolvers are after me cause i had steak for lunch!

Actually, they're vegetarians. Fortunately robots arent' meat.

Old conflicts NEVER END ATGATG! >:D

Im glad. *smirks*
*throws nachos with MUSHROOMS on them!*

YUK! *Runs for cover*
Does anyone know where Doggies went? Anyone?

maybe check doggies fanfic? i dunno...
and now...
STRIKE BACK AT ATGATG!!!! *beats Atgatg with a giant rainbow candy cane* take that Atgatg! haahahahahahahahaha!!!1

Actually, I love candy canes. BUT RAINBOWS?!?!?! RUN!!!!!
Perhaps Doggies has abandoned this fanfic. Lets take it over. >:D
A nuke blew up cradle ending this story/

*Gathers all ice minions and ice beasts* Slay Atgatg! For the fanfic! NACHOS!!!!!*Everyone throws nachos and the beasts have nacho armour. No, seriously, its NATCH-YO-ARMOUR!*

uh...yeah, i think doggies pnemonia? ...however you spellit, came back.i hope that doggies is ok....
*throws gift basket at doogies mailman* "hey dude, give that to doggies and do not lie about who its from!"

who wants to have a randomness party in haven on any day this month? plz post the day and time you wish. i shall tally the votes and then declare the day
the day must be a week from now

Arion the Snarbolax: Hmm... So this is what is on animal planet these days.... Stupid telivision!*knights come in to kill Arion* CRAP ITS DA POPOS(police) oh wait...(eats police) I KNOW NOTHING! YOU HAVE NO PROOF!

Can it be this weekend? ANSWER NOW OR ARION WILL EAT U!*Arion chew on a bone*

Can it be this weekend? ANSWER NOW OR ARION WILL EAT U!*Arion chew on a bone*

How 'bout the 26th.
In Haven 7.
'Cause Haven 7's the BOMB!

Bacon cauliflower friday cheesecake. *Thumbs up*

I love bacon... Its almost as good as Haven fried snipes... BUT CAULIFLOWER?!?! NOOOO! Hmmm chesecake

"How 'bout the 26th.
In Haven 7.
'Cause Haven 7's the BOMB!"
Haven 4.
Just in case they aren't sick of Atgatg and I.

*pokes Outnuendo*
Bacon cauliflower friday cheesecake is this: A cheesecake FILLED with cauliflower wrapped in bacon, and if you eat it on friday you die.

Then we're fine, 'cause 26th is a Sunday.
I think.

the radnomness party is gonna be the....26th of this month! and it works with my schedual too! now rules of the party are:
be random
if possible wear wolver based gear
if wearing wolver gear chase people and yell random things
so be random

random be so things random yell and people chase gear wolver wearing if gear based wolver wear possible if random be are: party the of rules now too! schedual my with works it and month! this of 26th the.... be gonna is party randomness the
the serious party is not gonna be the.... 1st of next month! and it works with no ones schedual too! now rules of the party are:
be serious
if impossible wear cobalt based gear
if not wearing cobalt based gear chase animals and yell serious things
so be serious

doggies has been gone for almost a month now. WHERE IS DOGGIES!!1

She's right here, silly. *Holds up little terrier dog up to Weld*

THAT LITTLE PEICE OF ISLAND TRASH BE A FAUX !!!!! YOU WILL BE SILENCED FOR YOU INSOLENCE!!!! *turnes Skolverbyte into a hamster* MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! anyway doggies is on vacation in vegas......an extended vacation............ *sneaky face*
NO!!!!! *Smells self*
Because I smell like cake. ^_^