Now, you may think that this is a useless thread, but it is actually really important. I can't remember how many times one of my T1 noob friends joined my in the JK palace... and died instantly. Or when I accidentaly joined my friend in T3 with T2 armor... and got kicked, and tried to solo. Most fail SK moment in my life.
For those really new players, I'll give a brief intro as to what Teirs are.
The Clockworks has 29 depths in it, or levels. The levels are grouped into stratums, and the stratums are grouped into tiers. There are 3 tiers total: Tier 1, for really new players, hold stratums 1 and 2, from depth 0-8. Tier 2 is for average players, and holds stratums 3 and 4, from depth 9-17. tier 3, for the most advanced players, hold the 5th and 6th stratums, from depth 18-29. THe more tiers you progress, the more difficult everything gets. Mnosters have more HP, everything does more damage, and your weapons from the previous teir are pretty much useless.
Now, this is very important. Because you don't want to be in T1 and end up in T3 and die.
There's one guy I know, I'll call him bob. He had a friend, lets say, ben. Bob was doing a FSC run with some guildies, when his friend Ben asked him if he could join. Bob assumed that since Ben wanted to join, he was T3. But when he joined, to Bob's dismay, he was a T1 nub with a few 2* gears, but mostly 1*. Ben died almost instantly, and left.
^true story. very true. Pretty recentish.
So, basically, be aware of what tier you're in. It can be a matter of (virtual) life and death.
Thought's and comments?
EDIT: Okay, Iron, I've fixed all the tiers.
You forgot the most important piece of advice above all else:
Tiers exist for a reason! Do not try to rush through to the next tier! You will only hurt yourself!
If you have full Ash Tail, a Faust, and a Dark Thorn Shield, don't try to hop into an FSC party the second you gain tier 3 clearance. It is far better, crowns wise, to simply stay with the JK until you have better equipment instead of wasting time/money on energy revs. Likewise with going from Snarby to JK.
The deeper you go, the harder and harder it is to simply brute force your way through everything. In tier 1, walking into spikes does less than half a pip of health. In tier 3, walking over spikes takes off a third of your health when you have a +12 vitapod. Going into tier 2 with a tier 1 mindset is a recipe for energy revs. Likewise with going into tier 3 from tier 2.
Above all else, saying "But I have killed Vanaduke before with a friend! I can hold my own in Firestorm Citadel!" while wearing full Dusker, swinging around an avenger and Kilowatt Pulsar, is the most irritating thing you could possibly say to me. If you do, I will reach through this computer, grab your tongue, rip it out of your mouth, and then hang you with it on the nearest lamp post. This is NOT an excuse to get into an FSC run.