I offer 45k on the black set, 45k on the white set, 35k on the red set and 30k on the white chap.
I would personally buy the White Chapeau at 32k CE if Merchant-chan has not purchased it.
Nothing has been sold yet. I'll place you as the C/O.
Wolver, I offer 52k CE on White Set Regalia.
IGN: Gruber
actually ill just purchase the Chap for 40k CE if that is fine with you. just really want it.
Alright, add me in game so we can make the trade.
Alright. Thanks for the offer anyways.
ROFL. Like I said you could easily move a white chap for 40k CE...
Lowered B/O on White and Black sets to 50k CE!
Would you be willing to just sell the white tabard?
10k CE for the white tab, you can sell the chap for 40k CE alone. My offer still stands.
Like he said I would be willing to buy for around 10k, the chap can easily sell for 40k, as it being is the most coveted. =)
There hasn't been one person willing to pay anywhere close to 40k CE for the White Chapeau since Dtechnik.
Well if you were looking to sell the tabard, how much would you be looking at?
Well since you both offered 10k CE, I'd sell it to the person that outbids the other.
45k just for a white piece, wtf? They're not any more rare than the 2nd edition colors.
Yes they are, there are hardly any left unbound
Well Considering they have popped up on featured auctions from time to time, and I know of at least two players other than you sitting on First Generation rose regalia, your statement about there being very few left unbound is kinda misleading, but thats just me. Have you considered selling the chaps separate from the tabards, as i only want to collect the chaps.
I would be interested in the black and white Chapeaus .
Yes, I won't be on for several hours so mail me for now.
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