The Elite Bomber Thread

1027 replies [Last post]
Fallout's picture


Darkgun's picture
Minor Bombing Tweak - Combat Update

It isn't too significant a change, but one might as well note that with the new Dash 'n' Bash update, bombing received a small tweak, as in addition to a new animation on whiff, this amusing puff of smoke that appears above the knight, bombers no longer face the reduced movement that occurred when lifting a bomb. Additionally, though I cannot say that I was using this, we seem to have lost the ability to shield into charge as gunners and swordsman can, and shielding no longer cancels the bomb whiff animation as it did prior.

Also, though its benefit was so minute that it was barely worth mentioning, with this new change, the use of a Swiftstrike Buckler as a bomber is all but gone, as since it's main advantage was lifting and placing bombs to allow for faster movement, it now only provides half of its already meager benefit. Still great if you are not carrying exclusively bombs, though.

Zeddy's picture

"Additionally, though I cannot say that I was using this, we seem to have lost the ability to shield into charge as gunners and swordsman can"

We haven't lost the ability to shield-charge. We've lost the need for it. The bomb-lifting animation not only doesn't hinder movement anymore, but it also doesn't hinder charging. That is to say, a bomb-charge will start the moment you hit the button rather than when the bomb is lifted.

The change is all but trivial. Combined with the ability to shield-bash things like greavers and jump through bullet hell, bombing has no weaknesses anymore.

Support bombing help

I just got into bombing and I'm thinking about being a support bomber. I will defo get Shivermist but no idea about what other bombs to get, thinking about the shock vapour one. I think I am going to get V demo stuff and volcanic plate shield. Any help would be great! Thanks! And do think being a support bomber is a good idea? Thanks!!

Zeddy's picture

Go for it! That's how 'ole Zeddy started out his bomber days.

You'll eventually want to just get every haze bomb, but shivermist and VT are good starters. I would also say get Ash of Agni; it's a nice, reliable damage dealer that doesn't require a lick of bomb damage bonus.

You will also want a vortex. Everyone loves a bomber with a vortex.

Zolb's picture
Zeddy !

Back after a bit of a break. Looks like I missed something important. What happened ?

Zeddy's picture

It's mentioned like four posts ago, but lifting a bomb no longer interrupts movement. In addition, it looks like the 10% movement penalty for general bomb charging is gone.


Ok thanks! I currently have Fused Demo, boosted plate shield, freezing alchemiser MK2, lightning capacitor, graviton charge and blast bomb. Sound gd? And what playstyle tips could you give me? Thanks!! And I am about to buy all the 4* recipes and possibly fiery atomizer sound good?? Thanks!!

Zeddy's picture

That sounds pretty good. You've got gun for all those pesky turrets and a bomb for every situation. Graviton and your Alchemer should work well together if you can land a charge into the vortex. This should keep the mobs from spreading, letting you get even more charges in on them.

Blast bomb is kind of general, but if you combine it with lightning capacitor, that should keep mobs from spreading when you use it, letting you rack up damage easier. Lightning capacitor and graviton charge is also good friends. Remember that clustered mobs spread shock damage very effectively!

Fiery atomizer is also very good for things like arenas, it was my first bomb and I'm very fond of it. Go for it!


Ok thanks I will!! And actually i made a mistake :/ I have the freezing atomizer, I wasn't really thinking when I wrote that. So I will get fiery atomizer and I don't know what sidearm to get. I wanna be more supporty but still what would a good sidearm be?
Thanks a ton man

-The Fayz

Zeddy's picture

Althought I'm loathe to say it, Polaris is a good gun for gun-purposes. It can interrupt turrets, push back enemies and generally just fills all your gun-as-a-sidearm need. If you'd like your gun to also be good against gremlins and beasts, Valiance is pretty alright no matter what you use it for.


I think i may go for valiance! So my final loadout will be V demo set, V plate shield, AoA, Shivermist, Voltaic Tempest, Graviton and Valiance. Sound gd. Thanks again man!!

The Fayz

Venom Veiler

What are your thoughts on it?

Doctorspacebar's picture
Node 53120 is credit to team

Venom Veiler! It's good for healers... and I guess not much else. Not a priority, but I've found it useful in Legion of Almire for the respawning Silkwings.

Tedme's picture

I was on the wiki Bombing Guide, because I'm planning to make my alt a bomber and was wondering what I wanted to get. So, I'd like to ask you guys, I know I'm getting a Voltaic Tempest (LINK: ), as well as a Deadly Dark Matter Bomb (LINK: ), but I still need to find a normal damage bomb, and a piercing bomb. So I was wondering, what do you guys think I should get?

P.S. I know most of you don't like Voltaic Tempest as much, and I don't know what people think of Dark Matter Bombs, but those are the ones I KNOW I want, and the ones I know I'm getting. Just try and tell me a good normal damage and piercing damage bomb.



Just a question from an unexperiences bombers.

Im thinking of getting all damage bombs but what are those?
The only one i know is DBB,Nitro.

Is AoA even consider as a damage bomb along with other like shiver,Vt?Or are those all supportive?

DMB is a damage shadow bomb?
If i want to jk,should i get it?Idk,but the radius seem small and complicate to use.
All shards series bomb are damage type? o.O Because..nvm.

Zeddy's picture

Voltaic Tempest is fantastic and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It pairs up well with either Vortex bomb since shock spasms spread through groups.

For a normal damage bomb, Nitronome is the best one. I like Irontech a lot, but it's not particularly safe to use, so even though it has the potential for most damage, it will not help you when you need it the most. Deadly Shard Bomb is kind of sad, I find. It works alright paired up with Venom Veiler, but appropriate shard bombs are just so much better. An alternative is Ash of Agni. It's party-friendly, easy to use, and will wreck most arenas. Pair it up with a Venom Veiler to prevent healing.

Dark Briar Barrage is a splendid piercing bomb. The coverage is huge, the damage is not bad at all, and it has all the knockdown of Nitronome without most of the knockback. The bomb is immensly safe and powerful. That being said, I see you're going for Dark Matter as your shadow bomb. If you're comfortable using shard bombs, Deadly Splinter is a lot of fun to use. Shard bombs have this tendency to make every fight you're in a puzzle. Go Deadly Splinter for damage, Sun Shards for safety, or DBB for easymode.

The shard bombs are considered damage bombs, and for good reason. Against a low amount of targets (I'd say anywhere up to half a dozen to a full dozen depending on the exact type of enemy you're facing), an appropriate shard bomb can outdamage most other bombs apart from Dark Retribution per bomb placed. Not necessarily over time if you focus on per enemy simply due to shards taking such a long time to detonate, but the trick is to know that a battle is won as soon as you place down the last bomb that will kill your enemy and then move on to other fights.

Ash of Agni is a damage bomb. It really doesn't do much else than damage.

You're right that shards are complicated to use, but they can be powerful. With a good chunk of damage bonus, enemies fought while you're solo can be killed in two bombs, or even just one if you're at a high enough depth. This is tricky to perform, and Nitro/DBB will still win against a large enough amount of enemies. (3 bombs)

The difference between Dark Matter Bomb and Salt bomb is superficially small, but from experience and calculations, DMB will indeed kill things a little bit faster if you're skilled with the bomb. However, Ionzed/Shocking Salt Bomb is a lot easier to use for beginners as the shock will cancel out knockback.

Tedme's picture

mm-k. Thanks for the info!

Vortex bombs to support Striker's charge attack...

A salute to the Sappers of SK from a lowly hybrid ;)

I've goofed around with a Vortex bomb and a Vile Venom Striker and found that using a vortex to 1) lock a group of baddies in place and 2) keep their attacks from hitting as they are being moved around inside the vortex works very well with a Striker's charge attack (locks you into place until all 10 swings finish).

Might make Strikers a more popular line, at least in groups.

Thanks zeddy,saw some of your

Thanks zeddy,saw some of your bombing video was excel.
I ma learn how to use shards bomb in a proper way.

A quick question for pro bomber(zeddy).

I'm a pure bomb like you guys but I found out lately that bombs sucks at clearing blocks and mineral rocks.

So what sword would you guys recommend for me(act as off hand sword).
I'm thinking of winmillion since it act as a hybrid sword/gun so it might be easier for switching clearing and kiting enemy like gun puppy.

My loadout is rather simple than you think,
Still remain unused.

Blakknite's picture
Pro Bombers.....

Don't use side arms. We kind of cope with the fact that it will take us longer to clear blocks. Dark Retribution is the solution for that, however it is a DLC only bomb. Otherwise you use your faster ctr bomb and start droppin it like its hot. Nitronome and Dark Briar tend to stand out.


sun shards used to be the single block/mineral destroyer, atm id suggest autogun or cutter for single blocks, spur is bad

winmillions projectile does very little dmg, not to mention that even its swing does tiny dmg
the charge attack is terrible too, its slow and u cant shield if u want the projectile to fire, which does very bad dmg as well

auto guns give u fire/poison options or dmg output(blitz would be excellent with chaos set)
cutter series is simply awesome for real time combat. in no way effective. but awesome

switch clearing? kiting gun puppy? valiance is an excellent choice, if u want to have a single good gun
but u gotta decide what ur aiming for, u wana take down single mineral/block quickly or have an extra weapon?
i recommended cutter/autogun specifically for taking down minerals/blocks, which would save u perhaps 1second, maybe up to 3 if ur lucky idk, not to mention that bombs actually excel at taking down multiple blocks/minerals quickly

think it through, make up your mind and figure out which weap u want right now, and which ones can wait, in the long run ull probably want to collect more anyways

Thanks to Zeddy for

Thanks to Zeddy for suggesting Venom Veiler in another thread to me. I'm still only on Toxic Atomizer, but goshdangit, being able to kite/clear the final wave of the third room in an Arena in 1-2 minutes rather than 3-4 minutes is just so satisfying. Not because it's faster, but because it's faster because you're sticking it to the menders.

Boingboingsplat's picture
CTR or Damage?

Should I prioritize CTR or damage bonus first?

I'm considering making a full set of Mercurial Demo to combine with Swift Steps II on my pet, mostly for the pure novelty of the set. However, the mercurial set only gives Medium damage bonus to bombs. I'm wondering if I should use my trinkets to max out CTR or damage.

(Of course, there's always the option of getting good CTR UVs on all my bombs, but I don't think I could obtain a full arsenal of VH CTR bombs any time soon.)

Bromon's picture

I think it slightly depend on your bomb/play style, but general you should always prioritize CTR.

Certain bombs, say...BAB might not require max CTR for some mobs, or if you are a hybrid that's uses guns/sword significantly more than the bomb, I say you can spare a little more ctr, but otherwise you'll always get more damage by placing out bombs faster then from specific damage bonuses.

Btw anybody know if fallout is still around? Or did he just stop playing/

Little-Juances's picture

Get a black kat cowl. That'd lessen the problem :v

Boingboingsplat's picture
Get a black kat cowl. That'd

Get a black kat cowl. That'd lessen the problem :v

While I'd love a BKC, I think obtaining one is a feat easier said than done.

Boingboingsplat's picture
Get a black kat cowl. That'd

Get a black kat cowl. That'd lessen the problem :v

While I'd love a BKC, I think obtaining one is a feat easier said than done.

Edit: Welp, double post. I can't find a way to delete posts, so...

Little-Juances's picture

Regardless, don't max out damage. At least go 1:1. The default med CTR on bombs isn't enough for me.
1 trinket to get it to high might work.

Zeddy's picture

I would at least get CTR up to very high with one trinket. The other trinket depends on whether you prefer to spam your bombs (in which case CTR would give the most DPS) or time them. (In which case damage would.)

Black Kat Cowl is a lot cheaper than a set of CTR Very High bombs.

Forum-Toah's picture

With the ability to simply run arcade to obtain orbs of alchemy, there's really no reason to not give bombing a try.

Hopefully we'll be seeing more explosions in the months to come.

I, personally, had great fun with shards, and bombing in general, on my alt before the mist removal, so I will likely be building a bombing set soon.

At the moment im too busy crafting crap I don't need.

Seriously, I crafted 2 flourishes just for kicks, I don't even have a reason. Maybe I'll craft the other 2 later lol.

I gotta get some shards though, maybe some volc demo and mercurial and have some fun.

Usevnsevnsixfivfor's picture

"Use bombs wisely!" -Peppy Hare


Sonosuke's picture
I'm starting out with my

I'm starting out with my bombardier account, and I was wondering, what are some good shields that I can use to help me?

Noblax's picture
BAB vs Nitro

So I gave pure bombing a try a few days ago, had much fun with my newly crafted Master Blast Bomb. Alas, its nearing the end of its reign, and I'm in a dilema of whether to pass the torch on to the BAB or the good old Nitrome

Gave it a few hours worth of research, and a few more hours of thinking (I'm so bad at deciding .-.). After watching several Shard Squad videos feauring those two bombs over and over again, I've noticed while the BAB does massive knockback that may disrupt party members more, the fact that it flinches most enemies made me think again.

Is BAB's flinching capabilities, massive knockback and higher damage compared to the nitro really worth the increased charge time and movement speed decrease?

Opinions will be greatly appreciated, thanks :D

Zeddy's picture

BAB is highly dangerous to use and I don't recommend it unless you have a specific plan in mind for it, like stacking it with a fellow bomber. I wouldn't mind the reduced charge speed, but the movement speed really cramps your style. Nitro is both safer and more powerful over time.

Get BAB later, it's fun, just not as your first bomb.

Noblax's picture
Right, thanks :D

Right, thanks :D

Mordenius's picture
haze bombing combo

although I have not tried this (only being an adept 3 1/2-star bomber) it is my understanding that if you use the venom veiler in conjunction with the ash of agni you could have a very powerful haze bomb combo. mainly because of the veilers damage dealing buff with the constant fire damage. so opening with the veiler then spamming the ash till you need to use the veiler again would be rather effective. anyone willing to field test this? i wanna see if this is actually as effective as i think it'd be...

Zeddy's picture

Poison has no impact whatsoever on fire damage. However, it will prevent healing so it's great for kiting twelve mecha knights being backed up by two gremlin menders. Poison also reduces enemy damage by a lot, so it's a very safe, reliable combo.

Bossbane's picture
8 explosions = 8 times the fun?

Hey there! Neo here.

I used to be a bomber on my old account, but decided to start anew as a jack of all trades chaos user. But that's not relevant other than to set the stage for me to return to my bombing days! So:

Can the Shard Bombs be used to any sort of effect over Blast Bombs? (I have looked at the data for both, but numbers don't mean much to me. I know that the Irontech Bomb is amazing from past experience, but have no play time with the shards. I have also read the Super Shard Squad's posts, so they are nice for Slags.)

That's about it. I am flailing my way through pre-winter break projects, so I can't post much!



Zeddy's picture

There are applications, but they're narrow and a lot of people would argue they're not worth it over the blast bomb line's raw damage, radius and knockback.

When placed right, two shards from a single shard bomb will inflict more damage and interruption than a single blast from a blast bomb will. This lets you, say, flip over gremlins in deep danger rooms where DBB would no longer be able to. Hard to pull off, though.

Shards have a long fuse time, which lets you keep a long distance between yourself and your enemies.

Disregarding DBB, shard bombs stack better than blast bombs, as blast bombs have so much knockback that most the other bombs in a nitro-stack would be wasted.

There is also the status infliction of sun shards and salt bomb.

But again, blast bombs have a massive coverage and are much easier and much more reliable than shards. Shards are, in general, pretty underpowered and I'd mostly recommend them for self-challenge.

Tiraid's picture
Why am i reading this?

I dont even use bombs. (Although you make a pretty convincing case)

Blastsite's picture
Hail to the few baby

For the few dedicated bombers who are out there, stay strong, make yourself herd and don't sell yourself short. We are few but we are strong. I gotta say bombing is the best way to go ^_^ and even though it's harder I love soloing as a bomber, it presents a very interesting challenge

Krakob's picture

I've gotta say, I honestly think pure swordsmanship is the most challenging but that's just me. I admittedly don't have experience with pure gunslinging or bombing but I've seen enough of both to consider my opinion valid.

Michaelb's picture

What are the terms "alt placing bombs" and "mid-stepping" referring to here? post 105

@Zeddy: Poison is my favorite status condition, I wish that there were more bombs that inflicted it than just Venom Veiler and that new Obsidian thing. is the new Obsidian bomb usable?

@Krakbob: My opinion is that pure gunning is. Unless you have a great connection, you can barely hit any fiend.

Also, yay bombers! Almost 1000 posts! I remember when this had not but 2 pages!

Krakob's picture

Midstepping is the act of moving between hits in a combo. How? When executing one attack, hold the attack button to start a charge but hold it for only a moment. If you release the attack button fast enough, you'll execute the next attack in the combo rather than the first attack. The whole point of this is that you can move a bit (~1 tile) when holding the charge, allowing you to do all kinds of wacky things like dodging Thwackers by going slightly diagonally (relatively to where you're looking, of course), backstepping to dodge slimes, repositioning to allow for better knockback control, and so on.
It's generally considered the most useful with heavy swords and I don't disagree one bit but I believe many don't even know that you can do this with absolutely any sword. Two other notable cases of the midstepsies is between the second and third hits of a Brandish combo, which allows you to dodge a lot of things or increase your range drastically, and between several hits in the Cutter combo. Admittedly, I'm not a real pro with Cutters but you can midstep twice during the Cutter combo which will allow for great control of distance between you and the enemy. Since Cutters have a tendency to knock your enemies just out of reach, thi should allow you to land all hits in the combo at most times.

Zeddy's picture

Obsidian Crusher is a fantastic bomb for 2/3 of the game. Enemies not resisting shadow damage tend to clump together (gremlins, beasts, slimes and constructs), and the poison lets you not worry about gremlin menders and silkwings. If you are with fellow bombers, combine with things like shock, stun, defensive armour and Drakon's Flame Barrier to tank hits and finish off huge arena waves in record time.

Fehzor was probably talking about Maeko-bombing when she said "alt-bombing". It's the act of having some action mapped to alt+attack and then planting your bomb by tapping the alt-button rather than letting go of your attack button. Combine with Swiftstrike bucklet, it makes your bombing more fluid.

It works with any charge attack, not just bombs. However, since other charge attacks have much longer animations, the benefit is not as much there.

Spiral-Connisseur's picture
Questions for an amazon bomber...

a) I never really hear anyone talking about MSI…does anyone think it's worth it to get trinkets/perks for it or mercurial/mercurial demo? Its seems like it could turn out to be super-useful for slow walk speed bombs. BTW I really notice this while I'm running away from slimes and charging my graviton. Since we go at about the same speed, they can often catch me with their damn little jumps forward.
b) Why do people use Mad Bomber instead of Chaos? (other than the fact that it just looks goddamn cool) It seems that medium curse weakness is not much to lose to get universal CTR/damage. I personally like to have a gun on hand for buttons and if I'm low on health.
c) I'm only 3*, but the loadout Id like to have eventually is (assuming no status effect):
Chaos Cowl
Chaos Cloak
Some specified shield for whatever I'm dealing with
Obsidian Crusher
Elemental: I'm not so sure
Haze bombs are useful, but don't deal enough damage and have a small damage radius. The other option is Electron Vortex
Piercing: here's where it gets interesting
Yes, I could go with DBB. But Beasts are incredibly easy with Nitro. The issue is the Fiends. Devilites are usually not a problem, though in great numbers they can be deadly. Gorgos are FRICKING annoying and I really don't know what to do about them, but I think Callahan might be just right…

Please tell me what you Elites think of this proposed loadout, because it will probably change what I buy in the near future.
Happy Bombing!

Fehzor's picture

a.) Using mercurial + the sprite perk is a pretty good way to counter the speed down from things like vortexes actually. But having CTR is more valuable than MSI Very High in most cases. That said, MSI Very High with CTR will let you move mountains.

b.) There are two reasons to use mad bomber over chaos, and neither of them are very good.
-The developers will, at some point, fix the mad bomber set and we'll all rejoice
-It IS better for pure bombing curse levels. As if thats an issue.

c.) Seeing as to that most new players end up dying all over the place, I would have to recomend not going with full chaos. Especially as a bomber. Instead, I would go something like:

Volcanic Demo Helm and later Mercurial Demo Helm or just Divine Veil
Chaos Cloak or just Volcanic Demo

This will give you a net positive status resistance against shock and fire, which are likely to give you the most trouble with chaos. The difference is between getting one shotted under many circumstances with full chaos, and taking about 2-4 hits to kill with chaos + something else.

You might want to just avoid chaos altogether, as waiting till 5* to get your first CTR perks (and you'll want those) is going to be painful. Full volcanic demo is a pretty nice option.

For your bombs, I would recommend:
+Ash of Agni
+Voltaic Tempest (Bring a blast bomb to roarmulus prior to getting it, and go with a party for the twins)
+Dark Briar Barrage
And after that:
+Shivermist Buster
+Obsidian crusher

The idea is that for T2, you'll want to be able to kill the jelly king with relative ease. Bringing ash of agni and voltaic tempest for that will be a huge boon for you when grinding. Dark briar barrage will be needed to fight grievers whenever you encounter those, and obsidian crusher will complete the loadout against gremlins etc. Dark briar barrage takes some practice, but once mastered will be a huge asset... as you can see in Zeddy's videos.

The only reason crusher comes last is because it starts at 5* + requires you to farm the apocrea mission, which you probably aren't ready to do at the moment. Shivermist Buster is also a useful bomb that you'll certainly want to pick up; it will greatly improve your odds at FSC.

I cannot in good faith recommend nitronome to you because half of everyone will hate you for using it. Bringing ash of agni/voltaic tempest on the other hand will make people love you, as those work much better with teams.

If you do go with this, then full volcanic demo should probably be your best bet for armor, as haze bombs don't require any kind of buffing outside of CTR.

Baconparadox's picture
Dang posts!

Seems like a good list o tactics huh