The Elite Bomber Thread

1027 replies [Last post]
Xahria's picture
"1001th post woop woop"

(I really should be asking Zeddy this but here we go)
I am still curious of shards bombs and have no idea which ones to craft. My problem is that i'm stuck between crafting the SSS (Scintillating Sun Shards ) and DSB (Deadly Splnter Bomb). The SSS has a damage bonus vs fiend: very high and a fair chance of moderate stun however the DSB lacks both of these bonus's in exchange for MOAR damage...........So I ask. Which is the better bomb?

Many Thanks

Fehzor's picture

Scintillating Sun Shards is generally regarded as the more effective of the two.

This is for several reasons- namely that fiends are typically regarded as being far worse than beasts, and that to make Deadly Splinter more effective than Scintillating Sun Shards, you'd have to just naturally have charge time reduction max and bomb damage max. Even then, whether or not you value the stun effect would come into play.

My opinion is that the Sun Shards and Deadly Splinter Bomb are novelty items to begin with, as Dark Briar Barrage is just that much better due to not having invincibility frames, dealing consistent damage without disappearing randomly, and allowing the user to take out grievers without mastering every detail of the game beforehand. But the new shard bombs are still cool items to go for, and they are a ton of fun to use even if they are a bit worse than every single alternative barring winmillion and the iron slug. That being the case, I would still recommend sun shards, because stunning enemies + dealing with fiends better makes it more interesting to use.

Arcknightdelta's picture

Anyone done a cool video on using the Electron Vortex in either a Stratum 6 Arena or FSC? I'm going to get one tomorrow but would love to see how others use this bomb.

Fehzor's picture

The two tactics I use are either the drop + smash w/ brandish or troika, or the chain indefinitely tactic.

As for a video, Zoggo does the drop+smash tactic in FSC here-

Arcknightdelta's picture

Thanks Fehzor! Just got my Electron Vortex from Addy. This is my second bomb after DRB. Honestly it is so much fun using it I would recommend it to everyone!

The video shows how devastating it is when combo'd with a brandish charge. CTR max on both will speed things up even faster.

Tekrat's picture
Question about freeze-immune crowd control

Hi, I've got a question about crowd control for freeze-immune monsters.

On the last depth found in the Gauntlet, there is an arena where you fight freeze-immune monsters.

When you're in a situation like that, you can't rely on freeze - Shivermist Buster - for crowd control.

So what should one be using there instead?

I'm thinking either Stagger Storm or Voltaic Tempest, but I'm not sure which status would be the better of the two.

Or just ignore vaporizers and go with a nitronome or BAB.

Blakknite's picture

My favorite combination for cc would be the VT and Gravi or if you play LD go for the Electron. I rarely use Shiver for cc unless my team gets into a sticky situation (one where a blast bomb would be inappropriate). Shiver is usually reserved for just Vana. Blast bombs are awesome cc though. Think of that last room on arenas when all the monster spawn. I've been on hiatus for a bit but that's just my 2 cents

Fehzor's picture


Your best bet against ice+undead+fiend would probably be something along the lines of voltaic tempest + stagger storm if you're fighting with friends to support, or dark briar barrage + ash of agni + voltaic tempest if soloing the area, though these are really just ideas for how to handle it.

I wouldn't recommend using a vortex bomb in that arena, because the fiends and turrets and grievers present will trump you easily as you waltz about slowly to gather the ice-slags.

Another idea would be venom veilor + ash of agni + dark briar barrage/deadly crystal bomb. This would let you use ash of agni to murder things, and then switch to venom veilor when/if a healer presents itself. DBB is useful for when the grievers get you, ofc. An age old combination that lets you do anything provided you can survive.

I'm not a bomber (though I do have all of the bombs, most with CTR uvs at level 10) so I haven't tried much in that area, because I personally would rather just strafe n' shoot for that one. But bombing should be plausible for it.

Zerjack's picture
Fuse time over level

Hey everyone!

Got a quick question, does the fuse time of the nitronome increase over level?, I understand there are charge time reductions on level 5 and 10. But what about the fuse time?

Thanks in advance!

Krakob's picture

Fuse time is unaffected by level.

Zerjack's picture

I see, thanks! Was wondering if the extra crystals were worth it, at leats right now, as my bombs got CTR:low UV, and I'm a Mad Bomber.

Keepscaite's picture
Is anyone still following

Is anyone still following this thread?

Anyway, I'm a relatively new player who's only rank 6-2. So far I've been playing as a pseudo-bomber.

My question is what I should upgrade my Super Blast Bomb into. I'm a little partial towards Irontech because of that Stun chance, but that slowed walking speed is kind of making me hesitate.

Keepscaite's picture
Accidental double post sorry.

Accidental double post sorry. While anyone's here, can you also tell me how to delete a post?

Krakob's picture

Irontech and Nitronome are your best choices. While Nitronome is probably better if you will upgrade to 5* and you can heat it, Irontech is a very good choice if you just choose to keep it at 4*. While Nitro would be the better choice, it may not be for you if you can't get it to a high level because of lack of Radiants. You could always try googling around for something like irontech nitronome radiants. Bear in mind that you need to look for information from the current era of hard to heat 5* items and not things before that. That, or perhaps someone who's more into bombing could give a better answer, as I'm a swordsman.

As for double posts, you can't delete them. You can make them content-less by putting 0 in the subject (removes subject line) and   (empty space which will not be removed, unlike regular spaces) in the comment. You can also make an invisble character by pressing alt+255, I think.

Dead-Bard's picture
If you plan on using that for

If you plan on using that for a long time then I'd suggest nitro as you should be using it for long enough to allow you to get enough radiants to fully upgrade it and in the long run it's much easier and friendlier than Irontech, if you just want an all-purpose bomb to get you through to the end before switching to more specific bombs then I'd suggest Irontech because you already get full range at 4* and honestly the damage difference between 4 and 5* isn't really much.

Personally I'd suggest going Irontech and siding it with a good sword or gun (Either an elemental brandish or Polaris would get my vote here) and then once you reach vanaduke get a shivermist buster just to be a full support bomber in parties, after which you can pretty much get anything you like and feel it'd add to your loadout and playstyle.

Keep in mind a few things:
-A good bomber should have at least 3 weapon slots open and have a sword or gun around for times when bombs aren't viable

-If you don't like solo-play then you should consider a supportbomber loadout (Vaporizers, Vortexes) because frankly speaking, all blast bombs and shard bombs are heavily disruptive for your party.

-Invest in bomb CTR before anything else, don't bother with damage unless you already have max CTR.

-Following the previous point I'd suggest going for Volcanic Demo set, it's the most noob-friendly set aswell as giving you max CTR on level 10 bombs, if you are looking for risking your skin in exchange for loads of CTR and damage tho don't go Mad Bomber, Chaos Cloak is exactly the same except for the fact that its bonuses extend to all weapon types and you get curse weakness (the rarest status in the game).

-If you ever feel like spending money on the game, consider getting the Operation Crimson Hammer DLC before anything else, it'll give you what's believed by many to be the best DPS bomb, aswell as giving you an awesome side-sword to go with your bomb loadouts.

Keepscaite's picture
Wow, thank you very much for

Wow, thank you very much for the fast replies!

First of all, no I'm not a very dedicated bomber. I'm actually mainly a Faust-wielding swordsman. But since that sword has terrible crowd control, I've been using a bomb to compensate.

That being said, I actually think bombing is a lot more fun than swordmanship, but much harder lol.

Ultimately, my favourite set is the Fire+Poison haze combo, but that one is a little situational.

Anyway, looks like I'll be making an Irontech Bomb. Thanks for the help everybody!

Dead-Bard's picture
If you want pure crowd

If you want pure crowd control with your bomb then shivermist buster is the bomb for you, you could also go for any of the vortex bombs to group all the enemies up (great for faust as you can chargeattack them) or voltaic tempest if you want to chip away the life of big groups of enemies pretty fast while still getting some crowd control.

Imo a good bomber play with

Imo a good bomber play with blast and other alone , and dont use blast at all in team.

When i play in team i use crowl control bomb (cloud bomb) and its enough , but i'll use crystal bomb soon.

And about the shield it can help for bump mobs , or for add vitality (in the case of scarlet shield) , because a little pasiv bonus its even better than a big def not used cuz ABC rule (always bomb charge).

cya sry for my english.

Keepscaite's picture
@Dead-Bard: The reason I'm a

@Dead-Bard: The reason I'm a little iffy to use Shivermist is because it stops knockback. For a guy who uses a heavy weapon like Faust, knockback is VERY important. Not just that, the Shivermist also doesn't stop enemies who are in the middle of charging their attacks.

The reason I chose a blast bomb is because it knocks away all surrounding enemies, allowing me to safely smack them to death one by one by switching to Faust. This tactic works wonders in the Jelly Palace and against Gremlins. But sucks balls when fighting Kats and Devilites lol.

In reality, what I would really like to have is the Stun series of mist bombs. But that one costs Krogmo Coins, and no one ever PvPs in Tier 2 lol. Doesn't matter in the end lol, the poison+fire combo is more effective anyway.

@Shadoxluniik: Scarlet? You mean the 'Heater' Shield? Anyway, thanks for the help. I already have some mist bombs lol.

And by the way, I've met people with much worse English.

Krakob's picture

Heater Shield and Scarlet Shield are two different shields.

Heater Shield branches off the Defender line and has Elemental and Normal defence along with Freeze resistance, which was quite unique and useful until the Tortodrone shields were released and could fill that purpose and more.

Scarlet Shield is a 3* shield which is the only shield to give increased maximum health. It increases your health by 2 points. While it's not really super useful for anything as most people want more shield power or better bonuses, bombers can still find the health quite useful since they spend most of the time charging bombs and are unable to shield.

Blastorang's picture
Does anyone have a total

Does anyone have a total nitro damage comparison between full volc and full mad?

Bopp's picture
+0 vs. +4?

Full Volcanic gives you damage+0. Full Mad Bomber/Chaos gives you damage+4. So you're wondering what the damage difference is between +0 and +4? This is answered at the wiki page "Abilities", which explains all kinds of damage bonus.

Blastorang's picture

@Bopp thanks you seem to answer a lot of my questions.XD

Bopp's picture
you're welcome

You are welcome. Happy travels.

Jcyrano's picture
bomber reporting for service

hi, I'm a bomber, and I'm reporting to this post to share it, well I Like the bombs and their mechanics... however I've posted about Shard (Family) Bombs. Anyway Hello, and thanks for reading

How do you level up a new bomber

Late game bombs (4*+) and late-game armors seem really good... but low level bombs are a pain to use. Do I just spam Combuster or something until 4*?

Bopp's picture
Dark Briar Barrage

It's true that low-star bombs have small blast radii, which makes them dramatically less powerful than the high-star versions. But I've found Dark Briar Barrage to be pretty useful even at 3 stars, because I'm using it against Stratum-4 enemies.

Are you trying to use low-star bombs against deep-stratum enemies? That might be tough. Then you might want to spam Combuster (while carrying, but not using, the bomb, to give it heat).