The Elite Bomber Thread

1027 replies [Last post]
Legacy Username
Sealed sword is fine, it

Sealed sword is fine, it upgrades to the divine avenger which gives you a straight line attack mechanism that bombs and swords generally lack.

One of my biggest problems as a bomber are the less mobile monsters. You'd think the more mobile ones would be more of a problem (and I guess greavers qualify, cause they suck), but when stuff moves around, you can get it into blast range. Things that can't or don't want to move means you have to go to them, giving them the chance to whump you.

Kats, Puppies, and Lumbers. I keep an alchemer around for those (thankfully, all are weak to elemental), because bombs just don't do the job very well. The charge attack on the (Divine) Avenger will give you the long distance killing power (and also thankfully, the DA hits with elemental) for things like that.

The calibur line is an excellent one, but I don't think the charge attack synergizes well with bombs. It essentially IS a bomb, except that you have to be standing where it goes off. Better off with a blast bomb that not only charges faster, but you can step away from.

Eeks's picture
The calibur charge attack is

The calibur charge attack is great because it combos well with the shivermist (delivering a ton of damage to a single or a cluster of targets). The idea isn't necessarily to use it like you would use a bomb (although in practice that's what it feels like), rather, to use it to shore up your weaknesses. The only thing that is "difficult" to clear using ONLY bombs are gun puppies because bombs are very inefficient and can result in aggroing more than you want. It's not really difficult as much as it is inefficient though. The real problem with clearing gun puppies with only bombs is aggroing other puppies or dealing with multiple other enemies while you slowly chip away at the puppy. Because of this, the calibur is a great compliment to bombers since the charge attack can essentially one-shot puppies all the way to the core. Blast bomb charge might be a lot faster but you're going to need 4+ bombs to deliver the same payload to a single target. Really though, you'll want anything that can take care of puppies easily and there are a ton of swords or guns that can do the trick.

>because bombs just don't do the job very well
I disagree with you here. I find that lumbers are easily dealt with haze bombs. Their inability to turn fast enough means you can keep stacking haze bombs on their weak side without leaving yourself vulnerable. Kats move a lot but haze bombs, sun shards, dark briar, and nitronome are all viable ways to deal with them.

Eeks's picture
@Zhel: > As I'm running JKs

> As I'm running JKs mostly, a Toxic Vaporizer would be most immediately useful, but reading the threads, the Fiery seems more useful overall. Tips? I assume CTR: Medium+ would be the best UV to attempt getting, but the suggested monster damage ones earlier in the thread would be fine too?

I find the poison haze series to be lackluster compared to the other two. For what you're doing, I would recommend getting the fire haze line first. As for CTR, medium is overkill if you plan on going full volcanic demo which will give you a total of Ultra CTR. You should either be looking at getting a low CTR haze bomb (which are bloody cheap) or if you're planning on running full mad bomber or a mix set, then you should look for a damage UV (I recommend construct or undead).

>-Armor UVs: I haven't seen much suggestions on these yet. The wiki reads that status defenses are better than protections, opinions?

Shadow defense is great and will shore up some of the weaknesses you have. Shadow-dealing enemies are some of the toughest to do a clean bomb clear against (devilites, greavers) so you're bound to get hit once or twice clearing them which makes any type of shadow defense you can proc a good one. Other UVs that may be useful are pierce since charging bombs will leave you vulnerable and pierce projectiles absolutely wreck you if you're unlucky enough to get hit by them. For stattus uvs:

Poison: If you're running damage bombs, poison can really mess up your flow since it cuts the damage you're dealing by 2/3. You can get away with not having this by spamming fire while you're poisoned but this UV won't hurt.
Shock: Shock is an annoying status as a bomber (and in general) because it will interrupt your charge making you nearly useless while bombing
Fire: I'd only recommend this if you're running mad bomber or a mix. Fire is similar to shock in that the ticks will interrupt your charge if not timed right whcih can be pretty deadly if you're unable to get your bombs off

Curse, Freeze, Stun aren't a huge deal imo.

Legacy Username

is this right? because...

has a different bonus, despite being from the same set.

if so, then there really is no reason whatsoever to use the full mad bomber set whatsoever is there? unless of course you want the damage buff.

also, which is a better loadout? ashes of agni plus nitronome or ashes of agni plus dark briar barrage?

Legacy Username
That is correct

The different CTR values in the Volcanic Demo Set is correct, and a bit annoying. So if you are wearing full Volcanic Demo and have a Level 10 bomb then your CTR will only reach Ultra.

There are a few common workarounds to this issue:

  • Wear full Volcanic Demo then get a UV CTR Low to hit Max.
  • Wear the Volcanic Demo Helm and the Mad Bomber Suit - resulting in CTR Max at Level 10, plus Medium Damage Bonus.
  • Wear Volcanic Demo Helm and get a UV CTR Medium to hit Max - this frees up your armor for other bonuses or resistances. This is what I usually do.

The damage bonus from the Mad Bomber Set is nice, as long as one can handle the resistance penalties. With just a UV Damage Medium vs Type you can get Max CTR and Max Damage for that type, Very High for everything else. Pretty sweet.

Legacy Username
Against a single lumber, you

Against a single lumber, you can do the job with any weapon. That's not hard. But it just doesn't work well against 5 of them. Their reach is insanely long, and I find it difficult to get in, drop a bomb in range, and get out without one of the crowd opening my head like an omelet. They don't move quickly enough to get into range of a bomb before the fuse detonates.

Weak side? Did you mean Trojans? Those are a joke as a bomber.

Fallout's picture
=S is it me or have t2

=S is it me or have t2 bullets from gunpuppies been sped up?
i can no longer circle and plant fiery atom's around the gunpuppy stage in the third arena without getting hit..... sigh* and it was a frost arena to.... so physically its incorrect they go faster.. it should be slower bullets in cold >.<

Yay for ionized being even more terrible =D, i feel sorry for anyone who crafted it over radiant sun shards.... especially wasting some good tokens on the rock salt (every token counts *waves walking stick*)

@Dynamod Ash and nitro usually do the job well, just because Nitronome is norm damage and isnt weak to anything. but i guess radiant sun shards does well with piercing and elemental (one usually cancels the other) so Ash and Dark Briar would be a nice option especially if you want more critical hits. Going with DBB would just lose you the knockback... which can be life saving in danger rooms + arenas. (yet sometimes it'll ruin you with wrong placements and mecha knights)

@Matuse with the trojan thing... do you mean a joke as in impossible, or a joke as in incredi-easy. If your going with incredi easy I'll agree; Shiver to freeze them, and a couple of rads to finish them off =p.

AND also i finally got my vanaduking set:

-Radiant sunshards (awesome on slags if you place it exactly when they begin to leap at you = win)
-Nitronome for them stages where everyone is like 'yay shootout stage' and I'm like 'No' gonna run up there now and blow the confetti out of them.
-Shivermist Buster .... what can i say, just makes things easier when I'm at 2seconds.
-Argent Peacemaker (should i replace this with DBB? its good and all... its just not fun standing there shooting from safe positions)

-Mad bomber mask
- Volcanic demo suit (yeah i did it for the looks instead of going for the Ctr)
-Dragon Scale Shield (Don't diss how terrible it is when it gets b0rked by any mob = cus its great on vannas 2nd and 3rd phase + getting through them fires everywhere in FSC)

thats it from me =p 4 bombs left...

Legacy Username
Haze Bomb

Hey people, one question:
Why no one buys UV vs Fiends, Beasts etc... Only CTR?

I'm selling a cheap Haze Bomb with a UV High vs Fiends and no one is interessed =/

Fallout's picture

elemental isn't great against beasts and noone really needs dmg to fiends as there doesnt seem to be enough problems with them (apart from grievers). I personally don't get why people need to spam vaporizers, so i like to go for damage.... its just fiends are already easy to deal with if you have anything on the pine cone line. and really vaporizers don't eliminate fiends fast enough (as they do some pretty menacing damage) so people will go with blast bombs or spiny. And i guess players go for CTR bonuses so they can place a vaporizer quickly when in strife, and damage bonuses aren't great as the bombs are really only used for the status effects. hopefully i covered everything and repeated myself numerous times =D

Legacy Username

A haze bomb's initial blast only affects monsters very close to the center, and the blast is elemental damage. The status that the bomb deals is unaffected by UV Damage Types. If someone does choose a UV Damage instead of CTR, they'll probably go for Construct or Undead, since they are already weak to elemental.

Someone might choose a UV Damage over CTR if their CTR is already maxed out. The only way to do so now without a CTR UV is with a Mad Bomber Set - which gives Very High Damage. Only a Medium UV would be needed to then reach Max Damage too, so a High UV would be wasteful.

Fallout's picture
Also on that bombing guide for the wiki>

Most of it will be a copy and paste from places, but heres what im feeling:

That one bombing guide

Intro+history: (why bombs are good etcetc. why they don't work without charge(history))

Bombs: detailed outline of each (obtained from bomb balance thread)
CTR effects (eeks and his epic tests)

Combinations: (eh random contributions?)
Support tactics: (vaporizer stuff+ vannaduke and shielding)
Carry your team tactics: (blast bombs.....*menacing grin*)
Diagrams/videos: (probably make at a later date)
FAQ: (there are a heap)

and....aced by culture =S

Fallout's picture

Now begins a tedious time of copy+paste from threads. It's only basic, a few things are probably wrong and need changing, but at least its started.
Please contribute =p I'm definitely not the greatest, and mot of the stuff on the page is copy+paste.

formatting tables is frustrating =S

Legacy Username
I'll start editing that wiki

I'll start editing that wiki page for grammar, spelling, and that formal voice that all wikis seem to have. One thing that seems to be missing is simple information on how to get your bearings as a beginner bomber, and that's something that I know very little about. I can format a wiki and make sure its English is proper, but on this topic I'm completely blind. Information on exactly what to do as a bomber, as well as some graphics that give a novice bomber an idea of what they are doing, would be great additions to the page right now.

That said, I'm doing my best to learn the art of bombing, and a wiki page like this has the potential to not only help me get on my feet, but help others who are new to the role as well.

EDIT: Just rewrote the first section. Will probably work on the charts when I'm feeling less lazy.

Legacy Username
I've learned that the blast

I've learned that the blast bomb line and mecha knights do NOT go together in arenas. It doesn't matter where I put down the bomb, how I time it, where I am when it goes off, where they are when I plant it...invariably, every time, no matter what, some of the mecha knights WILL be blown straight on top of me right when they are activating an attack. Period. It's as reliable as the sun rising in the east.

Even with the much smaller blast radius, I don't find it difficult at all to lure them onto even a 2* haze bomb line, where the elemental vulnerability means they take huge damage, but without the aggravating ragdolling that puts me into a world of hurt.

We need a normal damage bomb with no knockback.

Eeks's picture
>Weak side? Did you mean

>Weak side? Did you mean Trojans? Those are a joke as a bomber.
No. I mean lumbers and it works even if they're grouped up. You want to put the bomb next to them on their weak side (aka behind and the side their big arm isn't on). They can't turn fast enough to hit you. The trick here is not to shield or you'll bump them away; just keep moving.

Video: Lumbers vs Ash of Agni
Video: Lumbers vs Ash of Agni 2
Video: Lumbers vs Radiant Sun Shards

Of course you can always brute force it as well. Less elegant but if it works, it works.

Video: Lumbers vs Nitronome

>I've learned that the blast bomb line and mecha knights do NOT go together in arenas.
You can nitronome or blast bomb arenas if you want. I generally don't do it unless I'm solo but the trick is to drop it down then walk in front of it while charging another bomb. Mechaknights will pause to attack you. Step back behind your bomb again so they get blown away from you, step forward and drop the 2nd bomb where the first was and repeat the cycle.

Video: Mecha Knights vs Nitronome

The hardest part here is the setup but after you get it setup it is EZ mode

Legacy Username
Mecha + Wiki

The Mecha Knights can be an issue, but as Eek says, you get used to it and eventually it comes naturally and you wont lose a spot of Health, that is of course unless you're like me and can't help but dive into the middle of the arena for the lulz.

I have tried to help with the guide (wiki) by making it a little more neat and plopping some styling on this tables - I feel they are easier to read now, I also popped in a little graphic in the top right to make it all pretty. The ToC is being a twit and not aligning correct (at least not on my screen) - I've turned it off for now whilst the guide is short. NB - It aligns to the right okay but just makes the guide look a little lopsided.

I'll try to make a video of me using different bombing tactics I find to be effectively and perhaps show a T2 Solo run which tends to net me around 5-8k profit (thats 5-8k + the 4/5K cost of the energy on top of that). I know it's not a massive amount but people always spam about CR farming - Bombing I find is the best way of going about this - coupled of course with a nice sword for Gun Puppies and sniping.

I've only been playing SK for 7 days (ish) but already have a healthy setup of gear - just need to get my ****Helm*MasterBlast to level 10 so I can finish off those lines.

Much love to this thread, it hasn't helped me become a better player as unfortunately I'm a very visual learner, however the info has helped me make so wise choices about my bombs selection.

Fallout's picture
=O saw the page then, thanks

=O saw the page then, thanks for the formatting and links + grammar stuff seawad and steelfoot. looks a ton better, and the rewritten sections are much better than my copy+paste from the OP lol. haha equinox for the opinion thing... it suits.

Legacy Username
Hey Fallout, add me as

Hey Fallout, add me as friend in-game: miojox.

Fallout's picture

Eh the page is under way now, just have the daunting task of putting descriptions to each and every bomb... at least the final versions of every bomb.

also, anyone able to help me with recording? i downloaded a heap of free programs but most of them seem to hate spiral knights (the video looks fine with every other program i tested on) and end up giving me like one frame every 10 seconds. I'm not PC savvy so i don't know if there are options for stuff, and if it is my laptops fault I can provide my computer details..wtvr. haha, thanks in advance =p
If it I get recording working, it will help those visual learners ;) as i guess the majority of people (like me) learn that way.

Negimasonic's picture
And so...the new bombs...any

And so...the new bombs...any details? Any opinions on the changes to the bombs? (I really care more for the former question than the latter).

Oh and about video. I'm no expert but with camstudio I tend to use settings like..

Quality 100. Codec is your choice, I try to use Xvid when I can.
Capture video every 40 milliseconds. Playback rate 25 frames/second. always an issue about synchronization. But see how you like those settings for video first. That program isn't meant for gaming but it can work if you try. I know those settings aren't the best though so tweak it how you like.

Eeks's picture

>> And so...the new bombs...any details? Any opinions on the changes to the bombs? (I really care more for the former question than the latter).
SPOILER: Monsters don't hate shock as much as we do.

The shock bomb is, well, a shock vaporizer. It is everything you thought it'd be. It lays down a mist and everything that enters it gets shocked. Now you might be thinking it is overpowered but you're probably conjuring up images of the ghost of shock. When the patch came out that nerfed shock, it didn't just apply to players. Right now shock ticks don't last as long which means they no longer interrupt enemy attacks as often. The duration is short (think poison), the ticks do very minimal damage compared to fire. I haven't used the 5* version yet or used it outside of the munitions factory (which is not very bomb friendly) so I'm not going to draw any conclusions of its worth.

Keep in mind that, like the other vaporizers, it has limited use inside its own strata. Outside of shock strata though, the shock vaporizer is dangerous to use around mecha knights since you can end up shocking yourself. Small note but I figured it would be worth it to mention. (ironically this is one of the few/only? mobs that seems to get disrupted by shock ticks since shock gets exaggerated on them)

Regarding the changes to the current bombs (first part copy pasted from another thread)

The radius used to be quite large. For reference, you used to be able to status the training hall bots from across the gap but now you can't.
It is still slightly larger than the nitronome blast radius though (ash left, nitro right).
You can still freeze enemies right on the outer edge of the shivermist ring.
via Noodleface: Old Shivermist vs New Shivermist [Video]

As far as my opinion of this change, I don't really mind it. Maxing out your CTR used to allow you to barely maintain 3 simultaneous freeze rings which were huge. The change made it so even if you're fully minimizing your charge time (i.e. before the sound/light up even) you'll be just shy of keeping 3 up (the 1st disappears right before the 3rd one comes up). The radius is smaller but they made 3* and 4* versions more useful as a result. I'm only using the 4* shock vaporizer now and I can cover enough area to spread status. I think people that don't have 5* versions are quite pleased with the change.

As far as mechanics go, I don't think there is much to fear. The change in mist duration appears to be less than 300-500ms. Keep in mind the fuse speed looks similar and since the radius is smaller the fuse has been shortened a bit as a result of the changes. The smaller radius falls more in line with the nitronome/DBB which means you can combo slightly better. As for vanaduke, I haven't done it yet but I've always been able to hit Vana with nitronome/DBB even in phase 5. You have to be a quarter of a "square" closer but it should stilll be possible to trap him. The only difference now is if you were making a ring of ice around him with 3 shivs you can only maintain 2 rings but this isn't a huge deal imo.

Again, I've only been running munitions factory so it's really hard to come to any conclusions yet. The area isn't very bomb friendly and I find myself using more swords than anything else.

Legacy Username
"SPOILER: Monsters don't hate

"SPOILER: Monsters don't hate shock as much as we do."

This made me laugh. What a brilliant summary :)

Legacy Username
Voltaic Tempest - 5* Shock Capacitor

+Bomb Charge time is similar to Haze bomb line charge time and acts the same way.

+Bomb is of a mix of Shivermist Buster & Ash of Agni.
Why so?
The shock generated by the bomb holds down the enemy like how it held us down horribly.
Does DoT, Damage over Time, like Ash of Agni but lesser damage.

+Well, like all other vaporizers, it works well when paired with the other.

+I don't know what to say but I do love it.

A post of my video -

No-Fun-Allowed's picture
Very nice information.

But you forgot thing.

We're Demomen. Not "Bombers".

Legacy Username
Actually, according to flavor

Actually, according to flavor text, we are Spiral Grenadiers.

Fallout's picture
Cool stuff on the voltaic

Cool stuff on the voltaic bomb. I'm thinking of getting one after i get a pulsar... just cus i like the explosion idea on a gun, and I'm getting sick ofleveling vaporizers, which isn't my style.

Thanks sonic for the video stuff, I'll try Xvid =p

I think you meant the

I think you meant the Catalyzer, the Pulsar is the one whose bullets become stronger when they travel a certain distance. The Catalyzer has the explosion.

Anyway I have a Crystal Bomb and was wondering if it was a no contest decision to make it into a a Radiant Sun Shards. Is the Ionized Salt Bomb really that bad? Also should I bother with the Static Capacitor or go for the Ash of Agni. Fire is my favorite status but I already have a Firotech Alchemer for that so might it be better to go for the Shock or should I just have more Fire as backup? Also compared to the Haze Bombs and the Static Capacitor how good is the Sun Shards?

No-Fun-Allowed's picture

>spiral grenadiers
>implying bombs are grenades

Also, pro tip. Never use the Bomtastic set or the Mad Bomber set. All you really need for bombs is CTR which comes from the armor, like the Volcanic Demo set. (That doesn't mean you need to spend thousands of crowns on a CTR UV like a wannabe Demo.)

Eeks's picture
Voltaic Tempest

Well, the Venom Veiler is probably the 5th best haze-style bomb now although that doesn't say much about the VT. The only thing shock has going for it is that when enemies are clustered together they can shock each other and do a lot more ticks than normal. It can also be stacked with the other damage over time bomb. Another combo, possibly, is to stack it with graviton which should cause the enemies in the vortex to shock each other rapidly (maybe). I haven't tried this so I don't know.

From what I've seen it appears that the shock ticks also increase the rate of fire ticks (but fire ticks don't increase shock ticks).

The only thing that it seems good at killing by itself are the mini royal cubes. Their large numbers, small size, and densely packed groupings as well as their low HP makes it slaugher for the VT.

Eeks's picture
> Also, pro tip You should

> Also, pro tip

You should contribute some more of you pro tips here: :)

Negimasonic's picture
Hmm, interesting, thanks for

Hmm, interesting, thanks for the opinion. I'm going to go for it when I get a chance regardless. I am intrigued by the fire + shock tick thing. I guess that's like how you can use freeze + fire to increase fires damage rate. (I'm lazy but perhaps that should go in that guide as team bombing tactics or something).

Fallout's picture
just got the pulsar. its like

just got the pulsar. its like a rocket launcher... pretty cool, a nice change from bombs.

Legacy Username
Thanks! +Wiki Suggestion

Slow response, but thanks for the wonderful suggestions! Inching ever closer to my Nitronome (9k off!), but got a 3* Fiery Vaporizer and once I got used to it, loving it for group play. Solo, I still run Master Blast and Sealed Sword, though I may try the Vaporizer for the Twins as I'm soloing that now.

Also really digging the wiki page so far. Something missing I see would be trinket/shield combos and suggestions. Should one go Royal Jelly shield and Skelly trinkets for Stun/Sleep resist, or Skelly Shield/RJ trinkets for Poison/Freeze, possibly even Crest of Almire for Fire/Shock resist! Etc., etc. ^.^

Fallout's picture
hmm, seeing as trinkets and

hmm, seeing as trinkets and shields are more situational things and also aren't really bomber specific, and seeing as i have the worst shield in the game and some pretty mediocre trinkets I can't help you there. However I think the owlite one is good if you just want to slip your shield up for gunpuppies or ranged units. I don't think it has a place on the bomber guide, maybe there'll be other guides in the future covering this kinda thing.

Negimasonic's picture
yeah, I think those questions

yeah, I think those questions are purely situational, however, I don't think you can go wrong with owlite much (though what can I say, I only keep 2 shields, proto and grey owlite lol). However, despite that inexperience, the reason why I figure owlite is good for a bomber is because when you're trying to dodge things as a bomber, say you're trying to hold enemies with a shivermist, well that's all nice and good, but a gun puppy or two that's out of range will likely sneak up on you while you're busy charging. If you're fast enough to switch to your shield, you need a shield that can take hits from elemental, and that's owlite.

Though if you find yourself in fiend strata more, perhaps crest will do you just as good, since devilites can be just as bad as gun puppies when you don't see them.

P.S. Are any of you trying to pure bomb your way through Ironclaw? I think for once that seems to be one place where that's annoying with any bomb but that could just be my willingness to take a faster method that makes me think that.

Eeks's picture
Trinkets and Shields

Be aware that status resist trinkets currently do not work the way you might assume they would (i.e. they probably don't work at all). With that said, I would probably go for a defense or HP trinket (assuming defense trinkets work).

The thing about bombing is that you can't block when you're charging a bomb and you should almost always be charging a bomb unless you're moving from point A to point B. As such, shields aren't very important. The most you'll use your shield for it to bump enemies into status rings or get yourself out of situations where you are surrounded. You can probably get away with using any shield.

The only enemy that bombers don't have a really good answer for is gun puppies though so having an owlite shield to tank rockets or bullets wouldn't hurt, otherwise the choice is really yours.

Legacy Username
Well, that's true.

Well, that's true. Situational Items that aren't bombs are probably better off in their own or a general guide. Along the lines of them in this guide, I'm thinking as a 'general gear setup', such as for a growing bomber boy (such as myself lol) working on his first set.

My current excuse of a shield is just the bristling buckler from wildwood tokens. Been too focused on getting that Nitronome, and except for the extremely hectic fights (bad positioning in JK floors, robot/puppy waves in arenas, etc.) I have not been finding myself in great need of a longer lasting shield. My next shield any time soon will likely just be the Jelly Shield from JK tokens lol.

As far as the shield mechanics go, I know the elemental/shadow/etc. defenses are only active when the shield is active, is the same true with status resists? The earlier post and combinations are under the impression that they're passive defenses as statuses don't seem to leak through an active shield unless it fails due to damage/health. If not, then I may need to think more on my first 5* shield and purchased trinkets!

Not as experienced so may not be seeing the opportunities, but between soloing, the shear amount of switches, and the semi-sense of timing needed for hitting some of them, I never find myself the time free to charge either of my bombs. With other players, I did find my fiery vaporizer useful as a good chunk of monsters there are constructs, plus no knockback to hit the jellies back into the electric fields. The last group fight (3 respawning mobs and the 2 switches) and the boss fight though; not sure I can see any efficient way to do those as a pure bomber.

@Eek: Thanks! Good points on the bomber's usage (or lack of) with shields.

My original thoughts were on the idea to have all defenses covered, which would be the earlier combinations (jelly trinkets/shield for pierce, skelly for shadow). Good to know on the status trinkets though, as status seems to be what I should be paying attention to, aside the pesky puppies.

Negimasonic's picture
As long as I've been playing

As long as I've been playing I STILL don't truly know how shield resists work, they say it works as long as its active (I've been told even if its broken) but the difference doesn't seem to make a difference. I got just as hurt from blocking fire with owlite than without it to I haven't checked in awhile (I didn't have volcanic demo then) but I'm still doubtful that it helps a lot.

And I know you can block shock damage ticks with a shield (100%) but I don't know if that's because all shields do that or if owlite really does help in that one situation.

In general as far as I know, all shields block all statuses that can be inflicted from anything as long as the shield isn't broken. The exception being greavers who can somehow pierce shield defenses with the mist they leave behind.

Legacy Username
Considering the rather bad

Considering the rather bad latency if playing in Europe, I can really recommend a shield. I would lay down a bomb, immediately activate the shield and crawl away. If I don't, I'll most likely get hit by something I couldn't react to. I get hit often enough by something I evaded on my screen anyway...
First playing TF2 with a ping of <20 ms and then a round of SK can be quite deadly, unfortunately ;-)

Legacy Username
So is the Venom Veiler

So is the Venom Veiler practically useless? I picked one put when I first started playing the game for the Jelly King and before I ran across this thread. I noticed that I haven't really been using it much lately and was considering selling it to an NPC for the 30k.

As for the Voltaic Tempest I found that it does well when paired with an AoA vs the JK. Mini jellies die extremely fast making it easier for people to whack the King. I don't have an AoA myself but I'm guessing it doesn't light zombies on fire in FSC so I guess that could be a plus to picking up the bomb. My Plasma Capacitor was doing around 120 on the explosion and 23 dmg a tick today. I'll go back there with my Voltaic and see how the damage picks up.

Negimasonic's picture
I own the Plasma now. Someone

I own the Plasma now.

Someone else noted it that shock + freeze combos like freeze+fire does. So that could be a combo for FSC if you ever wanted to be different since you could never do that with the Ash.

I can't say anything about the VV. I never used one. But people only seem to value that for JK, I think anywhere else any other bomb is probably recommended. You could hold onto your VV and hope for the unbind shop one day.

Legacy Username
Poisoned enemies take more

Poisoned enemies take more damage and deal less damage, that could be useful if your purpose was to just sit there and rotate between a couple status bombs

Eeks's picture
>Someone else noted it that

>Someone else noted it that shock + freeze combos like freeze+fire does. So that could be a combo for FSC if you ever wanted to be different since you could never do that with the Ash.

I haven't noticed shock interacting with freeze. Fire/Ice and Fire/Shock interact though. I'm not sure if Fire/Shock/Ice does anything. I've spammed all 3 in a room in Jelly Palace but it was hard to tell what was going on. (I was only doing Shock) but the ticks looked the same. The person with fire didn't mention seeing ticks twice as fast as normal Fire/Ice combo so I have no idea.

It appears that fire does tick faster while enemies are shocked (note: shock does not tick faster while on fire). I'm not sure if this is intentional or not (is the shiv one intentional?) so I'm not sure I would get too comfortable with this combination but it does work. I can't say whether the ticks are faster with AoA/VT or AoA/Shiv. The benefit of the AoA/VT combo is that you'll be doing more damage over time compared to the shiv combo. The whole status behavior is strange to me though. I'm pretty sure I've been shocked and on fire at the same time before and I never noticed taking fire damage faster than usual.

As for VT in FSC in general it seems to be OK. Note that I'm trying to kill 2 birds with one stone here with graviton/VT. If I were to run FSC again I would possibly consider taking the VT and leaving the graviton at home and not the other way around. Despite how awesome it was to charge attack a stack, the set-up is more effort than it was worth. Using VT w/ a damage bomb the same way you increase DPS w/ ash of agni on non-fire stages IS viable though. Whether or not the damage works out in your favor is kind of arguable though but that's for number counters to figure out!

>Poisoned enemies take more damage and deal less damage, that could be useful if your purpose was to just sit there and rotate between a couple status bombs
The debuffs aren't that big. It's less than DVS/Vile Striker and poison doesn't last very long. Keep in mind that the new update made it so that at max CTR you can only maintain 2 status fields at a time instead of 3 so bomb juggling 3 bombs will always leave one status field not active. For fire/ice/shock this is sort of OK since they'll usually outlast 1 status fields but in my experience poison doesn't last long enough to do this. As for how effective you'll be spamming 3 status bombs..

I don't know. Try it out and let us know how much your teammates appreciate it.

Negimasonic's picture
haha...well I thought I saw

haha...well I thought I saw the shock+freeze when I was using plasma and someone else was using shivermist. But I'll try to look into that again maybe when I play on Monday. It could've just been an oversight on my part.

Eeks's picture
Hey Negima, I just tested it

Hey Negima,
I just tested it again and didn't notice a difference. What you might be seeing is freeze keeping enemies in a pack and them getting hit with AoE from each other more. Not completely sure.

- Eeks

Negimasonic's picture
ah...that could be it. Oh

ah...that could be it. Oh well, that is a sorta useful strategy I guess if you wanna take that route. Thanks for looking into it.

Eeks's picture
Here is what I'm talking

Here is what I'm talking about. Tan fell asleep and stopped doing ice so I can't be 100% sure but the shocks look similar before and after he stopped so who knows! Shock does look mildly useful for FSC though because it makes the zombies get real derp

Negimasonic's picture
hmm, yeah it does look like

hmm, yeah it does look like it. What I had seen before though seems to be happening
freeze,shock,freeze,shock,freeze,shock in rapid succession[the words].
That's why I thought it was cancel boosting like with fire+ice.

Legacy Username
New Player, Need Advice

Hey guys, read the whole post and it has been incredibly helpful. I have only had the game for a couple of days (and this is my first post), and I am wondering what 2 bombs would be the best for all around performance, both solo and in group. I know many people have said that AoA and Shivermist (and maybe the VT?) are two good ones to have, but should I aim for two vaps as my first two bombs, or would it be better to get one vap and a nitronome for the damage. I am by no means going to have the fully upgraded versions right away, but I want to be able to start the alchemy lines for them. I do not buy ce with real money so I don't have the luxury to play around with it.

On a side note I plan on using a sword (calibur 2*) and a gun (firotech 2*) with the two bombs, if that makes any difference. I also have wolver coat and spiral demo helm, and plan on upgrading those both. I know I won't be a "pure bomber" but I do plan on using bombs a majority of the time, with the sword and gun as a backup. Thanks in advance, love what you all have done here.

Legacy Username

Bah, first post and it's a double post... Sorry about that.