The Elite Bomber Thread
Actually, the electron vortex doesn't even do shock, its like the opposite of the graviton vortex, where instead of the shadow damage, it does elemental damage.

That's kinda sad then. does it blow enemies away from it or something? Or is it the same just elemental? Might be better in FSC then gravi now.
It doesn't do any shock? Someone told me it did, and that I thought that would be the perfect combination...too bad.
The stun bomb is good? Everyone says it'll probably be the worst bomb ever.
Oh, and thanks for the awesome wiki guide!

I think stun will be great? I love using stun pills on everything, so the 5star should be epic. But I don't think wasting time and crowns for the recipe is worth it. Blast whatever is kinda....not even fun.
As I am a pure status and crowd control bomber, my 2 cents on my first tries with a 3* electron bomb are that:
- It does apply shock randomly to targets after the vortex suction ends.
- It has an equal sucktion radius at 3* as the Graviton Vortex.
- It seems not to fling enemies out as far as the Graviton vortex does, if it even flings them out at all.
- As it states to be an Electron Bomb, rather than blast or haze the CTR of the bomb without any CTR UVs is significantly higher than the Graviton Vortex. Tested: It is very well Chainable for CCing packs which will NOT fling outwards after the bomb detonates
- It does draw in Kats, where the Graviton did not.
All in all it seems to be a very neat crowd control bomb if the 5* version still has these benefits attached and perhaps even a larger suction radius.
The same can be said about the Haze bomb, stunning is quite a useful status to apply increasing time between attacks and slowing monsters down to make your party much more effective in dodging attacks and getting in position for their charge attacks.
To do list: get both 5* bombs.

haha, I like blast network. I've gotten two items out of it, the Haze Mark II and the Shockburst Brandish. I haven't used either yet though I uh...burned some energy for a krosmo upgrade to speed things up today >.>; I should've waited for Monday so I could play more.

I'll probably get some boosters over the weekend. Need that Haze bomb..... Anyonw want to trade a mk11 for an electron charge? xD
The electron bomb is wicked, Absolutely wrecks the valley levels etc.
I like the bomb module trinkets. I just went and crafted the boom module. This way I can complement my Volcanic Suit/Mad Bomber Mask (low CTR UV on all bombs) quite nicely. More protection, max CTR, more damage, what is not to like?
Hi fellow Bombers :D, Just got my MadBomber Mask.
I've mostly been doing JK runs to farm up my Bomber gear now [working on Madbomber Suit, I has 3 main 4* bombs] and I'd like to ask,
1) When placing a bomb next to an explosive cube (like the one that respawns at lvl15,16, JK palace), does both the bomb damage & cube explosion affect the mobs running around them?
The answer I suppose would depend on whether monsters have invincibility frames like players do after being hit.
Also, I've been away form SK for a few days & suddenly this huge update pops up. Any recommendations on what to do?
The bomberman game looks interesting, but when I logged into SK, it said Server update in 30mins, so I didn't bother diving or checking. Just crafted something & logged off.

As long as the blast from your bomb doesn't knock it out of the blast cubes explosion area, they both should do damage.
As for blast network....It has little to do with bombing, but play defensive, let others come to you and STAY AWAY from edges where you can get trapped. Awareness really helps - and if there are numerous explosions going off at once, try to stay in a spot that will shield you. running in at full go wont help unless you have next to no lagg. One last tip: If someone traps you, know which bomb was placed first and try to move as soon as it explodes if it is around the corner -:> and sprint that way just for a chance of not dying. If you find your dying to much, play carefully, dont place bombs and just try to avoid other bombs. (not dying really helps your team, especially when the other team is suicidal.
A section will be added to the wiki some time when we aren't playing SK or studying/wtvrelseusbombersdoinoursparetime ;)
So, I've got a question on which 5* equipment I should make first.
I have everything I need to craft my first 5* item ready to go, save the recipe, which I have the crowns to buy. My current equips are Cold Iron Carver, Heavy Demo Suit, Heavy Demo Helm, Wise Owlite Shield, and Freezing Atomizer. I'm aiming for either the Mad Bomber Set, or the Mad Bomber Suit/Volcanic Demo Helm.
Which item should I craft first?

Vdemo helm serves everyone well. Especially with the renewed trinkets, one can buy an elite boom module and have the same bonuses as full madbomber, (if you choose the Mad Bomber Suit/Volcanic Demo Helm. option)with healthier stats. <--Good option.
I personally don't like the look of vdemo helm, but like the suit so i went with Mad mask, v demo suit an elite boom mod and aa 4star bomb mod. <--expensive especially when i usually where my gbreaker/virulisk over it =S
For those bombers who are mostly about the explosions, as opposed to being pure bombers, the Electron Vortex is even more amazing. Try combining it with the Polaris. Use the Vortex to gather a lot in, then use the Polaris to mass blast/shock the lot of them. The suction's strong enough that the Polaris blasts don't knock them free, so the shock tics damage everything in radius and every Polaris explosion hits, where the knockback from firing normally might knock them flying away from follow-up shots. Absolutely spectacular!

Since the Bomb Trinkets finally arrived, I've been thinking of try to use this set:
Mad Bomber Mask w/ 2 UV's
-Very High/Max! Poison Resistance UV
-Very High/Max! Freeze Resistance UV
Mad Bomber Suit w/ 2-3 UV's
-Very High/Max! Fire Resistance
-Very High/Max! Shock Resistance
--Very High/Max! Shadow Resistance
[Elite Boom Module Trinket]
[Other Trinket; Boom & CTR Trinket will be useless]
---No Debuffs/Slight resistance
---Max! CTR
---Max! Damage
Total: A True Mad Bomber
Nitronome w/ Very High Bonus vs Construct UV
Dark Briar Barrage w/ Very High Bonus vs Undead UV
Voltaic Tempest w/ High/Very High Bonus vs Slime UV
Graviton Vortex w/ High/Very High Bonus vs Gremlin UV
Soooo, is this good or should I change something?
For a Shield, I was thinking Volcanic Plate w/ 2 UV's, Very High/Max! Elemental & Shadow Defence

Skip Voltaic and gravi, and make it an electron vortex which will do both jobs (nitro will take out gremlins and jellies easier than gravi) and also a radiant sun shards ;) The damage bonuses will be useless as you already have max damage with your trinket and mad bomber

Graviton/Electron isn't a very good "pure bomber" bomb. It's ok in team play if you're good at pulling but I prefer pushing with nitronome since it's easier to control especially since it doesn't require you to pull aggro from everything (which is very hard to do in a team setting). Once you gather up all the enemies into your vortex you really have to take advantage of that by dealing a lot of damage to a small area. There are no bombs except for the sun shards that do this. Unfortunately, the RSS set-up is extremlely risky since you basically have to place it in the center of the vortex which leaves you vunerable to getting trapped.
Bomb UVs won't really do you anything since you're already maxing dmg and ctr. As far as your armor UVs go.. I don't know how much you're planning to spend but getting a double max and a triple max is going to be insanely expensive but, hey, if you're planning to dump $2000 USD into the game I'd love to see it done.
I've gotten to the point where pure bomber essentially means a 3-bomb + sword/handgun set. Until there is an efficient way to disperse of gun puppies/lumbers/other construct, doing it the bomber way is just silly. I've solo'd to the core many times with 4 bombs but after you do it once or twice there is really little reason to do it again especially when just dropping one bomb can make it a lot smoother. I'd definitely recommend a supernova, glacius, or leviathan instead of one of the 4 bombs, mainly to snipe out gun puppies as fast as possible.

how would you rank these 3 bombs
Venom Vielier (poison) , Stagfer Storm (stun haze) , Voltaic Tempist (shock)
which would you pick out of just those 3 if you had to pick only 1?
(ps I already have ash and shiver)
If you already had ash and shiver which would you choose as a 3rd bomb NOT including the top 3 i mentioned?
(i am leaning towards either sun shards or DBB)
thanks! :D

you don't really need any of the three if you already have ash and shiver. Talks to Eeks about stagger, but i don't really see the need to upgrade the 4star versions to the 5 star versions if it's just for the status effects. I'm unsure why you haven't considered Nitro, which is by far one of the best, however I'm sure you have reasons. So, radiant sun shards will help in a lot of situations where DBB might not.
^ didn't really confirm anything. Stagger sounds nice, and I'll have to get it before i can give any advice with it, and VT/VV aren't really options when you have both Shiver and Ash. Just get sun shards -> if you don't like the feel get DBB, If you like it get radiant ;)

thanks for the great reply! the reason why i dont want a nitronome is because i find it annoying to look at!
In parties, I plan to typically use Ash of Agni and Shivermist Buster... but I figure that when soloing, I need more DPS against fire-immune enemies.
I'm thinking Nitronome will fill the void nicely. Which damage UV should I be looking for? (Or, which monster family is most tiresome to kite?) My initial thought was beasts, to help against alpha wolvers... devilites are annoying, but they're ranged anyway...

I use nitronome for everything else. Nitronome also works for all of the above so it is versatile if you only want a single bomb. For UV I would try to get a med-vhigh dmg UV but I would probably target undead, slime, construct (in that order) since the DBB is better at clearing the others.
Thanks for the great reply, eek5! Dark Briar Bomb sure looks impressive there.
I think for budget purposes I'd still prefer to just get the one additional 5* bomb... Nitronome for its versatility.
If you had to use Nitronome for everything, would you still go for undead, slime, construct UVs 1-2-3? (Or would beasts/fiends/gremlins be in consideration?) Thanks in advance!
what is better? nitronome or dark briar??
Depends on the mob... Nitro is always a great bomb, but DBB sometimes has an edge.
I prefer DBB for Silkwings, Devilites, Gremlins and Wolvers.
You need Nitro for Slimes and Constructs since the DBB does poor damage to those types.
I can go either way with Undead.
For Greavers I definitely prefer Nitronome, the shorter fuse allows chaining to start earlier. Also the knockback makes for a much more comfortable battle when there are many Greavers flying around.
Dammit @eek5, thanks to you, i remade my Dark Briar Barrage.
...and I absolutely love it. Jeebus, that thing is far better than I remember.

If you're only going to run nitro only I'd probably rank UVs like this:
It's all personal preference though. I find undead the most useful because nitronome is very good in FSC. DBB is a lot better against fiend than nitronome (except for greavers) but if you're running nitro only a vhigh fiend UV will help cut down the bombs needed which will help a lot. Slimes are fun to nitro so that's the only reason I'd get a dmg UV for slimes (nitro is also good in jelly palace). Gremlin will be helpful since the nitronome set-up is a bit risky. Beast used to be ranked higher for me when they were an actual threat in jigsaw valley levels and sniping them out fast was perfered but now that they're more or less confined to their own levels having a UV against beast is a bit unnecessary. Wolvers in T3 are pretty dumb and will keep warping into your nitronome so an extra 1-2 bombs isn't a huge deal. Lastly construct for hitting gun puppies/lumbers. Those two are very doable with nitronome. Mechaknights/retrodes are really, really risky though and you're better off going with haze-style bomb and kiting into the elemental blast.

So I'm making a Mad Bomber set. Which status is better negate (assuming i can only afford to negate 1 or half of each)?: shock or fire?

Both are pretty annoying. Fire will KILL you if left unchecked though. The amount of bars you'll lose with full negative resistance is nothing short of brutal. Right now shock will just immobilize you for a bit (less than before) but the mad bomber duration can be painful. You're really going to have to target the strata you go into with a set like that. One thing to keep in mind is that shock ticks won't allow you to pop a remedy pill immediately like fire will so as long as you're lucky and stay well stocked on remedy pills you can kind of get away with only mitigating shock. Then again, fire can kill you outright and shock probably won't (it'll be indirect).
Also, don't forget about poison. It's like the silent killer. With full mad bomber your damage output drops to like 25-30% of full damage and it lasts for around 10-12s in T3 which is brutal. I'd avoid poison strata with full mad bomber if you can.'
Basically I would recommend you getting a volcanic demo helm along with your full mad bomber set so you can half the negative resistances at least on certain gates. UVs on top of that would be great but you'll quickly become acquainted with remedy pills so it isn't 100% necessary.
Thanks Eek! I'm glad there's a place like this for bombers to learn from the best!

I would consider the Stagger Storm the best teamplay bomb.
If you're a solo bomber, go ahead and set everything on fire; they die quickly anyways solo. If the enemies are slow, repeatedly nitro them in a corner.
Stagger storm is highly effective on mecha knights and alpha wolvers. Mecha knights CAN'T EVEN ATTACK when they're stunned. Alpha wolvers get 1 really slow bite instead of the 3-bite shield killer. Stagger Storm excels in arenas, especially when paired with Ash of Agni. If they're fire resistant, don't be afraid to go crazy with a sword in the middle of the stun cloud. Like Shivermist, Stagger Storm is a good situational bomb for swordies and gunners.
Stagger is also great it that it works with every other bomb, like Venom Veiler does. Also, I've only found 2 enemies that are resistant to stun: Trojans and quicksilvers.
One thing to note is that the stun condition does not persist as long as other conditions once the enemy is no longer in the cloud (it would be pretty overpowered if it lasted as long as fire or freeze). Also, for some reason, quicksilvers can't be stunned.
As for other monsters...
Undead-Nitronome (or anything, really); Shivermist for Kats
Jellies-Ash of Agni, Graviton Vortex
Constructs-Stagger Storm, Ash of Agni
Wolvers-Stagger Storm
Gremlins-Stagger Storm, Nitronome
For the special dungeons-
Warfare Factory: Bring Stagger Storm and Nitronome. Quicksilvers are easy to interrupt, and constructs just fail hard when stunned. You won't be bombing much at the boss.
Jelly Palace: Ash of Agni, Venom Veiler, Stagger Storm. Rotate between all 3 bombs at the boss.
Firestorm Citadel: Shivermist Buster, Stagger Storm, Nitronome. Be careful in that people will complain if they can't see the ground at Vanaduke.

Ash of Agni
Venom Veiler
Shivermist Buster
Voltaic Tempest
Stagger Storm
Graviton Vortex

Ash of Agni - Decent DPS to counter healing, deals damage to some ADDs
Venom Veiler - Will reduce amount of health JK heals but does no damage. Lowers attack power of JK so if you get hit a lot this may help a bit.
Shivermist - Freezes all adds in place. Makes it difficult to navigate around level since they will freeze into a maze.
Voltaic Tempest - Has the ability to clear out mini royal cubes quickly.
Stagger Storm - No clue
Nitronome - Can clear out adds and deal damage but not enough to kill JK if you're the only one applying damage in a team setting. Just enough to kill JK solo if you're patient.
Graviton Vortex - Can gather up adds to be sniped or just to clear out space. Long haze-style charge time and slow movement speed make it somewhat dangerous to deploy.
Relatively new to the forums, and a youngling compared to most of you here at the game I'd imagine.
Pardon the poor performance here, and this may not be the first time someone's done this, but was kinda excited that I actually ran across this method for taming Snarby. Was somewhat shaken iRL so it wasn't till the later half of the vid where things got better for me.

Wow, I never knew that was possible. Cool find hamsterwuff. Its annoying that people playing Snarby aren't in the league of owning a vortex, but its cool that i can head in if I'm playing with a noob friend and help them out with gravi. Sweet stuff, I'll add it to the guide if you don't mind?

nice find. now time for a speed run with it :3
maybe if you're lucky you can two man and have one person pull stunned snarby right on top of a sun shards
Feel free to add it to the guides Fallout, just glad to help =)
I have the Master Blast Bomb and Freeze Atomizer currently. Should I get Nitronome, or Shivermist first?

Depends if you play in parties(shiver), or prefer solo(nitro). I'd go for nitro, it is easily the funnest to use as well as the better all-round bomb.

I just wanted to throw this out there. I have stopped using the shivermist. I always find myself annoyed when other people shiv when I'm playing. It totally throws off my rhythm and is plain dangerous if it happens when people aren't expecting it.

^ yeah i kinda like my irontech more than shiver atm... shiver makes things to easy or ruins everything.
Hey all, I just started the game in the last week. Having a bit of fun with it. Bombing seems to be what I enjoy the most so far.
I was wondering what kind of gear should I be aiming for to do solo JK runs? I want to minimize wasting crowns and ce since it is in short supply in these early levels....
I currently have crafted the following gear:
Super Blast Bomb
Fiery Atomizer
Spiral Demo Helm
Spiral Demo Suit
Jelly Shield
Owlite Shield (found in a treasure chest! :D )

oooh, i see what you mean. Didn't understand when you said place it after he spins =/ makes sense =p
aaand don't use graviton on JK... doesn't help =/

Interesting, I watched the video thinking I must be mistaken. The proof is there, I just would have thought the Ionized Salt Bomb (Damage Bonus vs Slime: High ) would have been better. Or, is it and it just hasn't been shown on YT yet?

The reason ionized isn't used is because of the incredibly long charge time. I'm not sure it would be possible to even charge it up without it being cancelled at JK. and the +damage vs slime doesn't come into context when you already have max damage on radiant sun shards --> it would end up being the same damage when both RSS and ISB are max damage anyway, so RSS is better in every way against JK.

This my jack of all trades bomb build:
Bomb1:Shivermist/Voltatic: only for CC and some damage.
Bomb2:RSS: This baby is my fav bomb, you can use it for snipe or use it like a scattergun for MASIVE damage ( its really easy with shiver)
Bomb3:Nitronome: The cake of all bombs, Good damage and knockback, works everytime and everywhere (maybe fail agaisnt gun puppies but meh.. RSS can handle that).
Currently working on making a bomber set atm, thinking of running;
Volcanic Demo Helm
Mad Bomber Suit
Crest of Almire / Grey Owlite Shield
2x Elite Boom Trinkets
Dark Briar Barrage / Radiant Sun Shards
Ash of Agni / Shivermist Buster
Along with an Electron Vortex that I may swap in occasionally depending on stratums and such. Anything else I'm missing or is that more or less all I need?

Looks like you've got pretty much everything covered. But yeah meaybe think about getting gravi/ele vortex as they're pretty fun to run around with.
Just about to add some stuff to the guide xD
I don't know much but Im winning quite a few matches.
Stun bomb Im looking forward to. Unimpressed by another shock weapon after roarmulus provided so much.