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Coin Sink-Gate Production

1 Antwort [Letzter Beitrag]
Legacy Username

I was thinking, and I have a good coin sink idea
When placing minerals in gates you need to place in crowns too
Like a vending machine sort of thing
This would require taking away the heat and crowns given once a gate is made
I just see this being exploited later
Players throw in massive amounts of minerals they saved
Instant money thrown at them in large amounts
Instead, we could receive a map of a level or two, and the depth of that map depends on how many minerals you threw in
This map would show what the level looks like, for the random maps just the parts
And it could show a list of possible items you could find from the creatures
Like materials
But it would not show all of the materials or items in the level
This would require players to work together to find which levels have which items
and get the community together(-ish)
This would also limit the amount of minerals thrown in to a gate
But if this is put in, mineral spawns would need to lower a bit
and we would need a bigger community as to not deprive gates of their much wanted minerals

Bild des Benutzers King-Tinkinzar
My opinion depends on the

My opinion depends on the cost. If it were a lot, I wouldn't bother adding my minerals, I'm sure other people would do the same, thus leading to the great gate creation shortage.