Reduce the cost of playing in Moorcroft

3 respuestas [Último envío]
Legacy Username

As I understand it, and please correct me if I'm wrong:

If I want to make runs from Haven to Moorcroft, there is no charge per run.

If I want to make runs from Emberlight to the core, there is no charge per run.

If I want to make runs from Moorcroft to Emberlight, there is a charge of 1,000 per run.

And it's worse.

If I want to run from Emberlight to the core, then in theory, after finishing the Emberlight dungeon, before the core, I have a level where I can return to Emberlight.

If I finish the dungeon off of Moorcroft, I don't have a choice to return -- I'm automatically put in Emberlight and have to pay to get back to where I'm OK.

PLEASE, tell me I'm misunderstanding things.
Otherwise, this is a suggestion to make moorcroft runs better.

Imagen de Pauling
Several nights ago, I joined

Several nights ago, I joined a core run in-progress from Haven, and at the end took the town elevator... which deposited me back in Haven. (so much for saving me the drudgery of re-generating my travel pass...)

So it appears that the core elevator does not always deposit you at emberlight- rather, that it sends you back to your last town. Or, at very least, that moorcroft and Haven work in fundamentally different ways.

Legacy Username
Actually, i think i know what he says

he says that you need to pay to get back to moorcraft when you go from moor -> ember, because the need of a pass. This, or go back all the way to ahven and make your way back to moorcraft.
What i don't understand: why you simply don't get the home lift, ratter than the next town lift, at the last division lift? if i remember well, there's always a division lift before the next city (the ones that let you go back to town, or continue). use then to go up, rather than going down. After all, there will be no diference...

Legacy Username
Wait, wait. It's gone!

Wait, wait. It's gone!