
Howdy folks, i've been using Final Flourish for a long time and i wanted to get your opinion of the Barb blade and Flourishes. Either im not skilled with it and just cant learn to break the 95% miss rate or my internet just is bad, since i just miss too much. (Could likely be bad skills but i know how to swing and the opponent always dodges the combo, i can get the first hit but thats it.
But for some reason every single opponent in t2/t3 Lockdown hits with the combo, doesnt matter if he's on the other side of the screen.
If he's in sight, i pretty much have to run because of internet disadvantages.
Okay so the internet problem is probably a server issue, but my question is: Is there a more skillful way to learn how to use the Flourish (what do u guys do) ?
I have really good connection, so i dont see the problem with my reuter.

Auto-aim helps plenty when using Flourishes. If you're also using other weapons that you'd rather not have auto aim on like a DA/GF or something of the sort, set the toggle to an easy key like Left Shift. I have auto aim off always (except the few times I play LD), and just hold shift when I'm stabbing at wolvers/devilites :D

ah ok interesting, that will probably improve my performance.
Thank you very much :)

I have autoaim off by default, which is better for many weapons. So when using hit 2 and 3 of the Flourish then I'll hold down the autoaim toggle key so that the attacks are more likely to connect.

In Lockdown you should really learn to use the full 3-hit combo only sparingly (unless you're one of those funny fellows with ASI VH). Learning how to use the first hit and shield-canceling it with striker boost/cloak/shield will go a long way for you.
As for other people hitting you with their combos, with time it'll become pretty easy to anticipate them and simply dodge/side-step as their swings whiff the air.

toggle, so you have to hold down left shift or just press it once ?

As said above, use an assigned hotkey to turn on the auto-aim when needed. When it's held down, it's on, when you let go of the button, it's off.
You can tell because when your pointer is over an opponent, there will be a white target that surrounds the floor of the enemy.
Besides turning on auto-aim there are a few other things you can do in terms of technique.
With striker, instead of doing full combos (which should be used sparingly), you can dash-swing-dash. This can work without autoaim. This just takes practice. This is also why people get full asi through vog pieces, trinkets or UV's.
For Guardians, you swing-shield-swing, hoping the enemy just runs into your swings and dies.
For recons (which I remember you were playing) I have no hints. use a GF/DA and swing when they least expect it. The full combo will kill most enemies.
Lastly, there is something you you can't do control.
Latency/ping can give you to a disadvantage/advantage. I haven't fully figured out how it works. Sometimes someone who has a horrendous connection will have an advantage, sometimes a disadvantage. If you're being hit from several squares to a whole half-screen away, it's probably because of lag. The enemy has moved towards you and swung before you saw, so you die. If your hits are missing, that's because by the time you move to your enemy and swing, they already moved according to the server. Not much you can do about that. The most you can do is play as if you are in the future. If they move towards you, get out of the way or swing before they are even near. It may connect.

ah ok, yeah i might try a clairvoyance swing :P
Thx for the useful info, really appreciate it.

Exactly what Sypsy said, I found that if you try to hit enemies in LD, they might dodge it even with a successful swing on your screen, if enemies are rushing at you, prepare hits early and you might get them, when retreating to ambush enemies, attack earlier or they'll still hit you before you do, etc. I actually played much better when hitting the air than when I was trying to hit enemies. Try not to use the second hit of heavy swords or the third hit of fast swords as much, since those can leave you temporarily vulnerable. If you have really low HP, maybe you might want to use it then, to hit as much of the enemy as possible. Depends on your preference, really. The latency issue can be quite annoying though, brining a gunner or bomber set to LD might help a bit though. Certainly helps in the Clockworks. (less chances of monsters ignoring your dodging or shield)
got it on?