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3 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Legacy Username

I had this problem that i only had 1 helm (spiral scale helm)
and i wanted to make a drake scale helm.
But before i could do that i had to take off my helm just to insert it in the alchemy thingy. No problem right? WRONG! I had to freakin buy a cheap helm in haven because noone else had one for sale for a cheap price, and i was like omg.....
so yh i was stuck in haven till i had enough energy to get back to emberlight which was so lame.. because my passes were also expired.

I suggest to be able to take all of ur equipment so ur just a skeleton sort of and still can move. this way peopole wouldnt have to buy a item just to make a upgraded item.

Legacy Username
Tee hee :-). Didn't think of

Tee hee :-). Didn't think of that.

Even YPP has something like that -- you can't trade your only sword/shirt/etc to someone else, even if you're getting something in return.

I guess the answer is: Don't get rid of your cheap 1-star starting equipment when you upgrade to zero-star better gear.

Bild des Benutzers Fallout

lol, yeh they stopped you from doing that, after a 'white' knight glitch formed and people were running into dungeons with no armour on. didn't really affect the gameplay you just died more. this was like first week of the trial though..... and they patched it so players couldn't do it.

Legacy Username
perhaps make the proto

perhaps make the proto sword/gun/shield and newbie armors unsellable and undestroyable

like how in some console rpgs you can't trash your starting weapon