Firstly, let me start off by saying that Spiral Knights needs a new type of accessory: Beards. Period. Now on to weapons.
Normal damage:
We all know that weapons that deal normal damage only are often rare to see in the deep depths of the clockworks. The problem comes from the fact that they are nearly always deal only 66% of the damage that a elemental, shadow, or piercing weapon would do against an appropriate target. OOO could make normal weapons better if they decided to pick one of these solutions:
1.) Make it so Normal weapons deal more then 100% damage when they are 5* items. If Normal weapons did 125% or 130% damage the gap between them and specialized damage types would be small enough that normal would still be worse, but not so bad so be worthless.
2.) Make new family of monsters that are weak or normal damage. Now every knight needs a good normal damage weapon to quickly dispatch of these new enemies.
Gun types:
Most of the guns in spiral knights are 'handgun' type weapons. The only major difference is the autogun line, which builds in machines guns. There needs to be some more types of guns in this game. Do a long range rifle with a 1 bullet clip. Make a short range shotgun. Do something that isn't just a handgun.
Bomb ideas:
I'd like to see two new bomb types:
1.) Grenade: You charge it just like a normal bomb, but instead of placing it t your feet, you lob it in the direction you are facing and then it's fuse starts.
2.) Remote Mines: When you attack you place one mine, with a limit to how many you can have down. You then have to do a charge up your attack and release it to detonate any laid mines.
New stats:
As much as I love ASI, CTR, and Damage boosts. OOO could add many many more stats into the game. I'll just list a few.
Gun ammo clip size
Bomb fuse time reduction
Gun rapid reload speed
Bomb blast radius increase
Sword range increase (size of hit box)
Sword double charge - Perform a second charge attack immediately after your first.
We could get a lot of cool armor with combination of these stats: Imagine a bomber set that lowered your fuse time, but lowered the blast radius to compensate or a gunner set that reduced your clip size, but boosted your reload speed.
That's what I have for now, but I'm always thinking and the gears keep turning.
"Gun ammo clip size
Bomb fuse time reduction
Gun rapid reload speed
Bomb blast radius increase
Sword range increase (size of hit box)
Sword double charge - Perform a second charge attack immediately after your first."
Magazine size, and Fuse time reduction are great ideas.
Gun reload speed is determined by ASI, the higher your ASI, the faster you reload, so in essence, this is already in the game.
Bomb blast Radius increase - This would be really harsh for Status-Bombs. Imagine playing Lockdown and someone had a Voltaic Tempest with MAX Radius increase....that'd be really annoying imo.
Sword Range Increase - This wouldn't make much sense at all unless the sword itself actually got larger, otherwise it'd be impossible to tell, and an "invisible sword" would hit things.
Sword Double Charge - This seems a bit overpowered..especially if swords are the only ones that get it. 5* Brandishes would be really powerful, not to mention Divine Avengers. At the same time though, it'd suck for weapons like Gran Faust, and essentially be a bad UV, because you'd pretty much guarantee a curse on yourself.