In which patch you'll remove clockworks because they are useless now? Clockworks have now almost completly no point. Materials? We can get them from monster themed missions, for example when you need mug of misery you're going on devilites mission. Crowns and CE? (do I have to explain?) Boss tokens? Now, when all bosses got their missions, the only point of clockworks is Terminal at depth 23 from which you can go to Shadow Lairs.
Dear SEGA, 1 question

I find the missions to be infuriating in that their layouts are always the same. While this also applies to Boss Stratums, the added challenge (arguably) of the Boss Stratums negates and even encourages replaying them in order to master them. If otherwise mundane missions are repeated down to a grind, they become a mind-numbing race for materials and crowns. The Clockworks have a saving grace in their infinite possibility of combinations and randomly generated maps.
If rote memorization and routine dives are your thing, then missions must be right up your alley. Where do you go from there, though?

This new crap was going to happened eventually to Spiral Knights.

Yeah, the only point of clockworks are gates where you can deposit random minerals, that's all. :(

Don't forget you only get the prize wheel in the arcade.
And if you're doing a run for heat it's better to use the arcade to keep all your pills and vials instead of "resetting" every 10 minutes.
Sometimes missions are nice. They're a "fun sized" arcade, but sometimes you want to wolf down the "family pack" arcade and that's when going to the arcade is better.
Just because you prefer one doesn't mean someone else doesn't prefer the other.. or value them equally.

Sorry, just had to say that.

thats all i have to say, why play SK? and for what? all Pointless

Can you put more stuff in the Havens sometimes I get bored and dont know what to do, like for example put more expansions for free, or more places to hang out in thr Havens (because it get crowded often) some stuff like that would be cool. Some people would want stuff that doesnt cost actual money. But I also know that if you guys did that you wouldnt be making any money for your company, but people would like things that are free.

Why play games at all? Why not get a job instead? Why am I asking you? Why are we alive? What is love?
Find another game to play on downtime. Expansions are not going to be available for free at any time for obvious reasons. Go to a different Haven/channel if it feels crowded for you. The point of getting better equipment is working for it and/or buying your way into it, though only wimps buy pre-built maxed equipment. I am now watching you from your closet with a silly hat upon my noggin and a frog in my left hand.
They should just change the Auction House to the Accessory House as well, since nobody is going to need to use it to buy and sell anything else.