Edit: Thanks for the trade! :)
Added a Firotech ASI Med.
Edit: Thanks for the trade! :)
Added a Firotech ASI Med.
didnt u have a shadowtech ctr med..?? still got it xD??
otherwise free bump =)
Not listed here because I knew you were interested. :) Like I said on your thread, you can have it for 1.8k--a bit higher than I'd ordinarily ask because my bro will happily use it if I don't sell it.
Edit: Thanks for the sale!
Gonna say you're Cobalt Armor high fire is way to costly
I picked up a Cobalt Helm with high fire for 32kcr at the AH
Edit: And the one before that that I lost out on before that went for 48kcr
Offer you 40kcr for the armor.
You sure do have a lot of nice things there.
But I don't have any money for it after nabbing an Electron Vortex on the cheap (cha-ching), so take this bump instead.
Man, all my stuff is too costly compared to the bargains you can nab at the AH with patience and luck. Because these are all (well, mostly) bargains I nabbed at the AH with patience and luck; I could never afford them otherwise. What, you think I roll all these? :P But yes, you're right that 2k is too much for a Fire High Cobalt. (Some of my B/Os on less popular items are kinda off--I wasn't too sure how to price them.) I'll drop the B/O to 1.8k, and consider offers below that. 40kcr won't cut it, though.
@Rotsoko: Thanks! Congrats on the vortex. Hope you'll come back when you have more. :) If anything interests you, let me know and I can reserve it till then.
Added you and mailed you in-game. :)
Edit: Deal didn't work. Item's back up for offers.
Buying Gunslinger Sash Normal High
IGN: Pinkblobkirby
Reserved for you. See you in-game. :)
Edit 1: Done! Thanks for the trade.
Edit 2: Wolver Coat Shock High sold! Thanks, Rthree.
Hey derpules could tou make me an grey owlite? i dont need UV to make cheaper what could the price bee? If u culd make it?
Either craft up from 2/3* or buy 5*s from the Supply Depot. Much cheaper!
Added a side blade and a CTR Med Firo. Also added an item a friend is selling, in the shield section.
Added a Shockburst Brandish CTR Med.
Care to offer for some of this cool stuff? ;P Haven't made a sale in a while. You might get a bargain. . . .
Added a Wolver Coat Shock High, Magic Hood Shock High, and a Regal Bomb Bandolier.
Thanks, Aiden. :)
Edit: Sold a Shockburst CTR Med. Thanks, Godzy!
Also sold the Swift Flourish Fiend VH, at an undisclosed friend price.
Added an Antigua Slime VH. Not quite as desirable as Gremlin VH, but still a great, cost-effective gun.
Also, a Cryotech II ASI Med, a Wolver Coat Ele Max and a Spiral Demo Suit Shock Max + Normal Low. Woah.
could i get that one, please?
if you still have it
I'll reserve it for you. Talk to you in-game. :)
Edit: Thanks for the trade! Enjoy your cap.
Brandish Gremlin VH traded for another pair of common drag wings.
I've moved my accessory section to a separate thread. It's linked in the first post.
Miracle Hood Shadow Max + Poison Low sold! Thanks, Danizpsycho.
Nightblade Gremlin VH added.
Skelly Mask Shock Max - 2kce
Pm me regarding it if you dont mind.
- Ikkimotku
That's lower than I'm willing to let it go for, but maybe we can work something out. See you in-game in any case. :)
Defender Stun Max sold. Lots of good shields left!
Wolver Coat Shock High sold.
Added a Shockburst Brandish Undead VH.
I'll take the Wolver coat ele max if you still have it
Same name in-game? :)
Edit: Thanks for the trade!
Added an Owlite Shield Pierce Med + Poison Med and a Spiral Plate Mail Shock High.
Sold the Shockburst Brandish Undead VH. Thanks, Koeliejoelie!
You sold that shockburst undead VH for 2.3k? damnnnnn, bargain. id have paid more than that :). that FoV got B/O for 500kcr :(
The moment an offer hits the point of profitability, I get very tempted to sell and have the money right now. Heh.
Well damn, I was going to ask if you won that. Oh well. It was a fun sword.
A good day! Sold my DA CTR VH (thanks, Juicycups!) and crafted a Prismatech ASI High. :D
What do you think you'll be looking to get for the Prismatech ASI High?
A Cryo like that sold for 3k CE recently in two days of offers, but that price point smells of impatience to me, and I'm trying to kick that habit. ;) Elsewhere, Lycantix is asking 5k for CTR High, but let's be honest, ASI is not as in demand.
Let's say a 4k B/O.
Well i'm definitely interested, but i'm not going to make an offer just yet, because if I get that MAX elemental sash i've made an offer on, i'll be a bit low on CE for a few days. I don't like to give false hope to people by offering and then pulling out. :)
Though I don't really mind when that happens, TBH. I also don't mind waiting for payment once a deal's been locked in. So you can suit yourself. :)
Added a troll shield to wear around Haven (Emberbreak Freeze Max), a Nightblade Gremlin VH, and a Wolver Coat Shock High.
More additions: a Skelly Mask Normal Max (which I might use but welcome offers on), a Voltech Alchemer Construct VH, a Shockburst Brandish ASI High + Undead Med, and a Magic Hood Shadow High + Ele Low.. Oh yeah.
Sold a Skelly Mask Fire High. Thanks, Samyxy!
Sold the SS CTR Med--thanks, Lightningblitz!
Sold the SS Undead VH, at pretty much what I paid for it. (I found something marginally shinier for my own use.) Thanks, Jeffto!
Free bump :D
Tip though, maybe you should keep the ss CTR vh
Heh, because it's too good to sell, or because the market's down? ;) I've already got an Undead High + CTR Low SS bound to me, and I only intend to use the DA against undead. So there's that.
Hmm... Even then I would favor CTR over a damage bonus. Tight/crowded places and zombies seem to often mix xD and I'm not sure how much the damage bonus will actually make a difference. You miiiight get saved a swing, maybe a combo in t3, but.... Granted guns have less power, but my polaris with max damage gunner set (shadowsun set + elite trueshot) does 50 damage more to an fsc zombie at d25 than someone without any damage bonus
so I'll have CTR Max anyway. :) If it was just one or the other, yeah, I'd definitely take the CTR VH. There's a reason it commands comparatively big bank, I know.
Added a Dark Thorn Blade ASI Med which I won't be using after all. Also a Spiral Plate Helm Fire Max.
I'll be glad to give you a step up on the freezing vap haha. I don't know when I'll be on, probably tomorrow night. But I'll get to ya
Whenever I see you. :) I'm such a scrooge. . . .
Sold the Cryotech Mk II ASI Med and the Prismatech ASI High to a friend. Thanks, Hadesrebellion! (And sorry, Repair.)
Added a Blaster ASI Med + Slime Low and a Sealed Sword CTR High.
Vh Construct Volt and Prisma ---- 1.2k Ce Each
Ele Max Boosted Plate --- 4k Ce
Fire Max Plate --- 3k Ce
Both Skelly Masks ---- 2.5k Ce each
Cobalt and Skelly armor (Curse max) --- 500ce Each
Ign: Njthug
I'll think about them and get back to you. :)
Sold the Jelly Helm Stun High. Added a Plasma Capacitor CTR Med and a Fireburst Brandish CTR Med + Undead Low.
You should add me on steam, Id: dues_the_caboose
We seem to do business a lot so might as well ;)
This should make it easier to get hold of you. ;) I also seem to bump into lots of people looking to buy games on Steam, heh.
Also added: Fang of Vog CTR Med. Ooh.
Will be mailing you in-game, but can't log in right now, so posting this here first.
Vh Construct Volt and Prisma ---- 1.2k Ce Each: Accepted!
Ele Max Boosted Plate --- 4k Ce: Counter-offer: 5.5k CE.
Fire Max Plate --- 3k Ce: Decided to keep this, sorry. XP Removing from list.
Both Skelly Masks ---- 2.5k Ce each: Counter-offer: 3k CE each.
Cobalt and Skelly armor (Curse max) --- 500ce Each: Counter-offer: 700 CE each.
Edit: Added a Calibur CTR Med. Sold the Blaster ASI Med + Slime Low--thanks, Hadesrebellion! Sorry I couldn't hang around in-game till you were done with your run. Gun's in the mail; trade me the CE whenever, if you haven't mailed it. :)
Okay from what u posted:
Guns --- Deal
Ele Max Boosted --- 5k Ce (is my counter)
Skelly Masks --- Deal (But only Normal Max, realized I don't need a shock max laying around for right now unless there another promo don't have much ce to spare).
Cobalt --- Deal
Mail me the items in-game or we can do a face to face trade, but I would like to do all the trades at once, so lets try to work on that boosted plate helm first.
Above items (except Prismatech) sold.
Added a Brandish CTR Med.
I'll offer 1kCE on the calibur CTR Med.
IGN: Zardozisused
also, I have a small pile of UV'd sealed swords that I'm too lazy to sell and would consider selling at bulk rates if you're interested.
But disregard my counter-offer. Your 1k is actually fair, and I'll take it. :)
Mailed it to you, since I may not be on a lot.
One more CTR Med Brandish has been reserved for Lightningblitz.
Sold the Calibur CTR Med. Thanks, Zardozisused.
Added a whole bunch of Sealed Swords. Check them out!
i am wiling to trade for my brandish with beast VH.
Not a whole lot of use for a Brandish Beast VH, sad to say. :( There is quite a bit of value disparity there. Try another offer?
Added a Firotech Alchemer Mk II Undead VH and a Brandish Gremlin High + Slime Med.
Just slightly low for a 4* that can't be ragecrafted. Can we make it a round 3k? :)
Prismatic valk wings. how far are you willing to move on the 15kce?
Would you be willing to drop it down to 11k?