You guys know, energy is overpriced and crown value are extremely low(no offense ADMINS). We need to raise value of crowns and little discount on energy price... I'm a two-star knight and I almost HAD JELLY KING when my energy meter went off. I HAD LIKE 3k and NOT ENOUGH TO BUY ENERGY FROM TRADE! BOO-HOO! If you heed my offer, please, please mail me as *Spellfencer*.
More quality of crowns and an energy price discount... PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Market is player controlled. Players have higher demand for energy, and the lack of CE promos doesn't help in increasing the supply of CE in the market, so prices go up. I'm no economics expert and I know there are deeper reasons for why this is so, but that's the bottom line. Also, plan your runs. Save at least an extra 10 energy than you will use on elevators so you can get at least one revive if you screw up. That has saved me on more runs than I can count, since it'll help you recover from lag spikes, unexpected situations, and flat-out failure.
Spamming the forums is a bannable offense. Create one rage thread, not 13. That is just unreasonable.
-From the Forum Rules sticky on the top that most people who are panicking/raging fail to read (like you):
Post spam or other nonsense that disrupts the forum's formatting, functionality, or usability, including quote pyramids or "bump" posts.

In short, first things first: one thread is enough, not thirteen. That alone is a very valid reason for me, as a regular forum user, to believe that you don't deserve to be heard. Not to mention that you'll get banned, and nobody will mourn your loss. Boo hoo.
Secondly, I know it's important to you, but DO YOU HAVE TO TYPE IN CAPS? It's extremely rude, not to mention that if you're trying to make an intellectual comment (which I fairly doubt) on a proper suggestions board, your post's legitimacy drops to an absolute zero.
Thirdly, there is no need to spam exclamation marks. As much as you want to have your point brought across, just be patient. We guarantee that if you ask politely, your concerns wiill be heard.
I'm a two-star knight and I almost HAD JELLY KING when my energy meter went off
Really? Have you EVER noticed that little circle below the minimap on the top right hand corner of the game?
2* is barely sufficient to survive a JK run, and if you've been relentlessly trying to use up CEs for revives at this state... well I have my mean comments about you, but I'll reserve argumentum ad hominem for a more private channel, not the forums.
Now on to your main point; overpriced CE. As much as I would like the prices to be lowered, as Extribble said, it's dictated by players, not OOO, and certainly not the admins. Right now forum members, and most certainly OOO staff, are thinking up ways to lower CE prices (if you don't believe me you're welcome to look at numerous other Suggestions on this board; legitimate suggestions that don't involve an immature forum user like you yelling out 13 different threads on a single subforum); in the meantime please be patient.
You will probably ignore all of the aforementioned, but I implore you as a rational individual with some shred of intellect left; please, don't disgrace yourself here. I know you want your point brought across, but doing this will, in all honesty, make you seem like a complete idiot. I don't want to treat you like an idiot, so at the very least, don't do this again.

I agree with Extribble: if you're going to complain about something, odds are someone else already has a post on it. Therefore, add your voice to theirs and Three Rings will have to notice. What you did... let's just say nobody did it before for a very good reason. I understand your frustration, but there are other ways to vent it.

.... Well geee, thanks for putting my thread and a lot of other really good threads off the front page with your flood of 13 of the same thread. Other people have suggestions, to?

>Sees 8+ Threads with the same Subject/Poster
>Title Demands Energy Discount
>Title has more than Three Exclamation Points
>Goes In & sees no Forum Avatar
>Sees a Small Block of Text with possible Grammar/Spelling Errors
And add: 'has no-idea how the game works and simply want obstacles removed'

The more player buy energy, then the more it's price cost.
The less player buy energy, then the less it's price cost.
Am I wrong?
You propably dont know about it yet but you WILL regret what you did here.
ps. FYI you get banned ingame for forum deeds, in case you though that if you rampage on forum your game character wont be affected - you are wrong.