Looking for prism and divine valk wings.
I have green,blue and gold sets.
Will trade divine wings for a set (chap and tab) of green or blue.
Will trade prism wings for a set (chap and tab) of gold.
Send me a tell.
IGN: heron
Looking for prism and divine valk wings.
I have green,blue and gold sets.
Will trade divine wings for a set (chap and tab) of green or blue.
Will trade prism wings for a set (chap and tab) of gold.
Send me a tell.
IGN: heron
Divine and prism valk still needed.
10kce for divine
13kce for prism
also, rose sets for trade.
i have a pair of prismatic valk wings. ill sell for 13kce pm me in-game IGN: krackalackin
I will be on later tonight to make the trade.
I'll trade with the gold rose set if that falls through.
gold rose set traded.
Still need the divine wings.
Will buy for 10kce or trade for a set of green or blue rose.
I've a pair of shadow wings, you interested?
IGN : Mannc