Note: This is a poll for users to express their opinions, NOT to or to be used to object, challenge, harass, or subject a change to any parties involved in Spiral Knights.
Do you think the mission interface helps you to understand the game system better? (as in a few aspects such as gameplay, economics, social, objectives, etc.) Why do you think so?
Thank you for spending your time taking this poll! I really appreciate it!
I've met many new players not knowing all the basic stuff covered by the "contact" and "visit" missions. I have told many of them to redo those missions.
I think most of them just click right through them without reading any. Perhaps OOO should change the conversation interface again... move the text up from the bottom into the middle and use larger font maybe. Or have the NPC ask some questions at the end of it, and fail the mission until the player can answer correctly! (a CAPTCHA against the attention-deficit :P)