i.e. If a Knight who has both full Skolver and the Thorn Shield (and thus a Maximum Damage Bonus with Swords) equips a Sword with a "Damage VS Slimes/Fiends/Whatever" UV, does he actually get any increase in damage?
Are "Damage Increase" Bonuses seperate from "Damage Increase VS" Ones?

Sorry damage uvs do not stack past maximum

"Damage Increase" is equivalent to "Damage Increase VS EVERYTHING"
So, it does not stack if you are already maxed out.

I think I know what you're asking here and I can answer from experience:
Say you have full Skolver armor without a Barbarous Thorn Shield, thus having Sword Damage Bonus Very High (4) which is the same as Medium from the helm (2) + Medium from the coat (2). Now suppose that you also have Cold Iron Vanquisher which is Damage Bonus Vs. Undead High (3).
With this setup you have Sword Damage Bonus Very High for all monsters, but your damage bonus with CIV Vs. Undead will be Maximum because 4 (Damage Bonus (Vs. all monsters) Very High from Skolver set) + 3 (Damage Vs. Undead High from CIV) = 7, but the bonuses cannot go over 6 (Maximum).
Thus, the general damage increase from Skolver stacks with the Vs. [Insert Monster Type] damage increase from weapons, but only up to Maximum.
Hope this helps!
They go hand in hand. Damage bonus itself means that much damage bonus in general. Combined with a UV, That SPECIFIC monster described in the UV gets also the bonus damage. Its actually possible I believe to really get damage bonus beyond max, just it will still say max damage bonus. In essence a max damage skolver set plus a fiend low UV equals max damage verses a fiend PLUS and additional low damage bonus.