How can T2 and T3 gremlin menders see though their hoods? In T3 it's literally covering the front of their face...
Something just occurred to me
How can we walk/run without feet? Why do I blink while sleeping (Have to be on high graphics for this one)? How do you see out of Quicksilver helm(s)? Why do the fuses on bombhead masks never go out?
The answer?
Because then it wouldn't be as fun :3
Or they just senses everything around them :P
@Juances Nice one! xD
I think they just point in a random direction and happen to heal something. They don't seem to run away or avoid you when your charging at them ready to shoot/slice/blow them up, I think they are blind. :b
Gremlins maintain the clockworks, so along with the magic healing, I think menders are also pretty tech-savy. They must be receiving images from goggles inside their hoods, with signal coming from hidden surveillance cameras installed all over the clockworks.
They can't see anything.
Its why they have to use area attacks to heal with.
Menders may use their wand to point at the injured soul that is in dire need of revive. That's why when they run away, they accidentally run into the spiky corners of the room...
Their hats run on magical science hacks, just like their wands.
If they have healing magic, wouldn't that mean they could use said magic to sense where everything is by soul?