Swords, bombs and pistols are all well and good, but what about more exotic weaponry?
Things like flails (morning stars, or things like that buzz-saw ball from kill bill Vol. 1)
Scythes (Not the most practical in a fight, but they certainly LOOK badass!)
Halberds/Polearms (Long reach, low hit area?)
Daggers/Knives (Faster attacks than swords, but always dual wield so you can't use shield?)
Launchers (You know those turrets that fire missles? SETTLE THE SCORE!)
Sprayers (Remember those turrets that shoot streams of fire? Now it`s your turn, only you can spray more than fire this time! Although... how does one spray shadow exactly?)
Power Gloves (For the discerning and brutal pugilist!)
Warhammers (I'm sure they could fit 40,000 of them in the game...)
Toolkits (Basically 'healing' weapons. Charge 'em up and keep your allies alive, or spawn small minions/construct turrets)
There's a lot of potential to expand playstyle options here. But what do the community/developers think?
I agree more weapon types...
Scythes FTW :)