Because of GM Atlanta's brave, daring and possibly brave actions, the lid has been blown off the most explosive scandal to hit SK since the Tortodrone purification of aught ten.
I refer of course to the rule purposely excluded from the drinking game:
"Drink once for every gawker accumulated while standing in Haven." Hey, I heard the GM's from that other game do it...
Wait, wait no. That's not it.
I refer of course to Helios' sinister comment that, and I quote! "I though the allure of Wolver Tails and Scaves that we pretend come from the Lockboxes was creating enough cash."
At first it would just seem like Helios wrote this while extremely tired and misspelled nearly everything, but look closer.
The word scaves is in fact not misspelled, instead being a reference to 'Scary Dave' (don't believe me, look it up) which as we all know is code for 'Zombies'.
Hold on Asthix, you'd probably be saying to yourself. That's crazy. Lockboxes don't have Scaves in them.
Right. Which is why they put the Scaves on the best accessories! it's all a plot to have the most fashionable become co-opted for the Scary Dave army when the Core is opened!!
Tell your friends!!!