Title says it all.
I will be away from most of this period of time, and i really would like to know if i can cram enough runs in to get this stuff >.<
Title says it all.
I will be away from most of this period of time, and i really would like to know if i can cram enough runs in to get this stuff >.<
I got 5 in full party since i invited my guildies when i found room, becouse sharing is caring.
How much are the hats that stay forever cause I will be grinding CE this weekend :)
Unlike the Halloween event, there's only 1 permanent costume helm instead of 3.
The Prismatic Frosted Helm costs 100 cake slices (this is the only permanent costume helm).
Since it's guaranteed that you'll get 4 slices for each daily "Total Caketastrophe" prestige mission until April 10 then that gives you a total of 24 slices without grinding the arcade for clockwork tunnels in hopes of finding a cake nest.
So you would just need to grind for 76 slices total if you're just looking to get the permanent helm.
I got 4. I guess it's random number from 3 to 5. No matter if you're going solo or not.
As in, just random areas you'll find in any kind of clockwork tunnel?
Just did a run with one of my friends, specifically waiting for clockwork tunnels, but we found no nests.
It seems just like Punkin King in terms of finding the nest in the clockwork tunnels.
Cake nests though will just require you to kill all the cakes then a random number of cake slice tokens will drop - so no Punkin King-like monster to hit/kill.
got 4 it's probably random between 3-5
So, I need to find ~20 nests and do the prestige every day to get the permanent one. Should be easily doable if I stop doing FSC for a while.
Just to add my 2 crowns, I've done three nests so far and recieved 4, 4, and 3 tokens.
"It seems like nests have replaced danger rooms."
So we have to find danger rooms and pay the energy to get to the nests?... D:
"nests" :: are these exactly like punkin king farming "nests"? Power complexes etc that I spam over and over in the first depth of the tier?
I think I posted this question in the wrong forum before. Here seems great.
@Nests replacing danger rooms No, lol. Silly people spreading stupid rumors.
NEST didnt replaced danger rooms. When you enter lvl there is a chance for a danger room to spawn AND cake nest to spawn too. You can get only nest, only danger room or both. You dont pay CE for entering cake nest.
Seriously, confirm something before saying something that my confuse others.
@Rawr Nests are EXACTLY same as old punkin kings areas. You notice them from distance becouse of fancy stuff arount entrance, you go up the corridor, there is pary button. Then cakes appear and after killing they drop 3-5 tokens.
P(Cake room) = P(Danger room AND Cake room)
What i found was:
You can get 3 to 5 cake slices.
The monster is easier than ever.
It appears most in jade titan gate depth1.
I did a couple of cake rooms so far. I got 4 - 5 cake slices from each one. This is in T1 (so don't feel pressured to run T3 if you have an energy pass.)
Tier 1, 2, or 3...you get 3-5 cake slices per event clear.
3 cake slices!
Just did it with a guild-mate.
It seems like nests have replaced danger rooms.