This is Kratonamos, founder of the Black Phoenix Reborn. Me, along with my fellow master Silerknight, are searching for several new knights in our ranks.
We have several rules that we expect you to obey, or at least respect.
-NO SWEARING. We are a guild that wishes to be a good influence to all.
-Respect your elders. That includes the officers, not just the Guild Masters.
-Recruitment rules: If you are to make it to the rank of officer, you are FORBIDDEN to recruit random people who do not have the approval of the High Four (Me, Siler, Addadventure, or Edonkulaton)
-Our standard uniform is Wolver. Not trying to force everyone to change their armor choice, just trying to get organization.
-Roleplay is rather fun for some members, and it is not required to join. However, if you do wish to join in a conversation among guildies, try to play along.
-Other recruitment rule: Not involving actually recruiting people, don't kick anyone from the guild without sending valid reasons to the Four.
Please, fill out the following form and send me a mail with your answers if you wish to join.
1. Are you a good player?
2. Are you a good PERSON?
3. What do you seek to gain by joining our guild?
4. What is your opinion on hot chocolate? I will be serving it at frequent times.
5. Can you withstand Ramza's insanity and wish to kill zombies?
6. Are you willing to help the little ones who need help ingame? (i.e. Training, pointers on how to play, specifications)
7. Are you willing to spare a few crowns to anyone just in case?
8. How often do you get on?
9. Opinion on roleplaying in general?
10. Final question: Are you a boy or a girl?
11. Don't let #10 scare you off, please... we really need this.
Well, that's it. I'll contact you if you're in.