Last night I was doing Shadow Vana with a coupe of my friends. We were waiting for the last wave to spawn for the last button fight. I had my blitz charged and was ready to kill the trojan, but the trojan spawned right on top of me, like my knight was inside the trojan. So he turns around fast and starts to swing at me. As he does this, both slag guards decided to charge me at once and THIS happened:
As to why the slag guards could push me through it, I'm not sure. Maybe it was a combination of the trojan and both slag guards? Notice I didn't take any damage from that by the way. Just thought I would share this. Not sure if there's a way to fix that lol
A very hilarious and strange bug with the last gate in Shadow Firestorm Citadel
Sat, 04/07/2012 - 08:52