Hey all its Mystic-Ops here. You can call me Mystic as well :). Me and my friend Funny-Benny have made a new guild called 'The Fallen Guardians' We are insterested in recruiting people for our guild. We are trying to get a great guild with friendly people and and enjoyable community. We are trying to become an active well known guild in Spiral Knights and are tying to just have FUN. We are also looking forward to playing against Valkrie Knights and other guilds in guild lockdown so if ur intersested or have a best friend in another what better way is it then to attack them and win in lockdown. (our tradition is to wear the crown of the fallen)
In terms of gameplay we are trying to get boss runs going and lockdown aswell..... we like Vana runs and any other runs you may need help with.
We also love playing lockdown as I said before.
We also are trying to get guild shadow lairs going just for a challenge.
If you are insterested in joining our guild please mail a message to Mystic-Ops and we shall get around to you asap.
Minimum requirements:
You must be friendly, active and helpful to others.
Be able to complete vanaduke.
Be able to act mature eg. no swearing or bad language, AND DEFINATLY NO BEGGING
Recruit: Must have at least two 5 star items.
Member: must be full 5 star.
Veteran: must have a Angelic Helm the you wear (of higher, no valkyrie helm only helm of the fallen and i shall get one shortly) as part of tradition.
Officer: Must WOW me (mystic) or Funny-Benny or know us in real life and have a Crown of the Fallen.
Guild Master: We shall see and decide Later
About us:
Me (Mystic-Ops) I am friendly and ofcouse Pro. I love Playin lockdown with my Gran Faust and I am friendly and helpful. I live here in Australia with Funny-Benny. I started playing about 1 month after the game came out via steam. I was looking at the free games at a friends house and I found this.
I love humour (eg. /emote Punches funny-benny) and love to do vana runs.
Funny-Benny as his name says is funny and he calls everyone a noob (even me...........) but overall he is a great friend and he helped me make this guild. I know him in real life and he is a great friend. He though of the Crown of the fallen idea. He hasn't been playing for long but is quite skillful. He has my old vog armor that he bought of me so if you see him around he was what I used to look like.
Anyway if You would like to join our guild please send me a mail with your items and what you like doing and i shall reply Asap.
Thank you
Mystic-Ops (sorry about spelling mistakes)