Hello all !!! =)
Are you an experienced player who has achieved every achievement in spiral knights? Are you new to SK and looking for help? My goal with this guild, is to create a hub for experienced players, while at the same time a source for newer players to seek help.
I have played spiral knights since it's beginning, but stopped playing for about 3 months. When I started playing again 6 months ago, I found that all of my best friends, and the majority of my guild, had left. So now I am starting over. My guild is run by my best friend, my sister, and I. I am just starting to take a 6month web design class, so somewhere in that time period, when I learn enough about it, I will try to make us our own website.
I would like our members to be active at least once a week. But if your more hardcore like me, you will probably not go more than 48 hours without playing. your rank will depend on how quickly you progress, not in stars, but in skill. When I make a website, I will list the tests for each rank promotion, all the way up to officer, for now please talk to me for this information.
I try to take care of my own as much as I can, not by giving crowns/energy(I'd like to avoid people who want to mooch off there guild for energy/crowns), but by helping them earn it themselves. I would like to find more people with this mindset.
Now as far as Lockdown/blast network goes, I would like to have some active players in this area as well, but knowing that there is a lot of differing opinions on this, we will probably end up making it a weekly event, like Saturday nights or something...
Shadow layers should not be sprung either. They should be a planed event (,Don't forget to make adjustments and know your to time zones, for instance I am in the "eastern" time zone, Florida specifically).
Well there you have it, to join our dysfunctional family you can contact either me personally (Djsplat), or my best friend (Midnitestate), or my sister (Evlynrose). We will see you in-game!!! =D