How i can adquire de Mewkat monster pocket if i dont have 175.000 crowns?
Another way?? with seals?? Find it in a place??
Mewkat monster pocket

Nope, no other way as far as I know (though there might be a giveaway on twitter? They've done it before, idk.)
And I love all the whining - it's a purely cosmetic item, y'allfolks. It's not like the love puppy pocket will somehow shoot hearts while you're in the Clockworks or something.
Crown sinks are a necessary part of the game economy, and it makes little sense to target them to 'poorer' players (not as efficient). I think these pocket monsters are a great crown sink, and that they'll be an effective one to boot.

I have 2 ancient plate sets, shields included, and I'd rather have 180k of tree bark than a Pokémon on the front of my suit. At least I can heat them up, and Roll UVs on them with the money I earnt heating them, and then use them! Good lord the potential I can achieve with just a set of ARMOR.

I just had a thought.
Only 3 pets out of 6 families and one each from pierce, elemental and shadow attack.
I think somewhere along the line someone in OOO suggested they be token rewards.

It's exactly like the CE Pack + Accessories except now the accessory bit is optional. I don't know why everyone is complaining about it.
Hexzyle -- Your logic is so flawed, lmfao. Let me break the numbers down for you in a visual format so you understand why:
CE Pack + Free Accessories = CE Purchased + Cr from Accessory Sale (or value from use)
That's the previous formula. Now, how in the world do you get to saying THAT formula is the same as the current update:
CE Pack = CE Purchased. No free accessories, same amount of CE received, and the accessories cost approximately 2600 CE.
By the way, I'm not upset about it... I just can't stand poor logic reasoning. The update is "meh" to me... I'd rather have more levels and better end-game content... but hey, maybe next time.

I was meaning the impact on economy but I worded it wrong, sorry. I should have clarified.
CE Pack:
CE brought into game + accessory
Item can be traded without losing value but the CE is brought in.
This promotion:
Crowns taken out of the game + accessory
Since an accessory changes hands throughout the game, and isn't actually paid for, it doesn't effect economy.
Both CE gluts and crownsinks will have quite similar effects on the game.
My job(farming crowns) won't pay me enough or give me more hours to afford this in 5 days. Republicans(Three rings) really do only look out for the (Got CE?)rich.