+1 if this is happening to you pl0x
why is steam not working at all
+1 Just because I have an elevator pass. Time is CROWNSIES.
Yep, it's busted for me. I thought it was some sort of Steam outage, but I don't see anyone talking about it in the downtime thread.
Man.. i got elevator pass too.. It was working fine earlier >:( I could be getting my vog cub coat by now ><><><>
/e facepalms
i wish i never converted my acc. to steam
I was in SK when Steam rudely booted me out. The same happened to Rubyeclipse, my GM. I'm online via the facebook go around
say hi
i hope this gets solved soon cause i got some bids going on D:
I just know I'm outbidded by now... and laughed at by the bidder.
SK's steam login is like a house of cards, if one card so much as bends the wrong way the whole thing falls apart.
I know the steam community was blipping on and off earlier, that's probably what caused the issue.
Yup ooo's update has f***** up the SK Steam login, again.
Also, the Steam html login trick seems to not be working either.
ok well now from the logging on script freeze changed to the authentication problem, recliented steam 3 times now like one of the GM's told me to and nothing
Took me two tries but I am able to log on now.
lol@nonsteam players
Enjoy getting killed while you stand there typing.
Also no trading for DLC without steam :3
Also I haven't had problems since I had to reinstall java. Be more specific by "not working", guys.
Well, it can simply be steam problems. OOO isn't responsible for all steam problems. Steam has their own maintenance times and occasional errors. My steam is not working... nor is it even booting up...
Happened after a couple of updates for me including this one, kinda lame.