Things DO NOT EVER Change if you yell at people, start raging out, and then go berzerk and decide to light the world on fire cause you're young. (Great Song btw)
I doubt any of you really know me that well. SO My opinion might hold lackluster to no weight.
But heck, at least I can say I tried.
It is really really hard to read a decent post anymore when half the forums are filled with rage over issues.
"Oh no OCH is BLC pay for only RAEG RAEG RAEG RAEG."
"Oh No UV's Lock. #@$!$#!@#@!"
For christ's sake, are you all two years old? (Try to avoid taking this offensively.)
Look, times change.
And we as people, have the power to change things.
But how do you expect the Devs to listen to half hearted incoherent rage?
Lettme ask you this:
Do you listen to your raging brother or your calm sister more oftenly?
Do you prefer to listen to someone who yells versus someone who doesn't?
Remember, The Developers at OOO Are people too.
And do you honestly think they will listen to people who spam rage and the like?
My plea to everyone is:
Calm down. You can disagree, but stop the dang rage and stop the darned incoherent posts.
"1 Person changes the world. But he who wishes to do so needs to be listened to in order to have the chance at such events happening."
I wish you all the fairest of luck. May heaven grace your Earthly Presence.
i vote you for president.