Besides Nonna leaving.
What do you think tomorrows patch will include?

Nothing else they can pull out in such a short time.
Oh no. I can smell the conspiracy theorists stirring in their sleep.

Do they even need a patch to remove them? They can silently dissapear in-between daily server restarts.
That's what happened with the cake guys.

"6. Restrictions
You agree not to do any of the following prohibited actions:
1.reproduce, distribute, publicly display or perform, translate, modify, adapt, create derivative works from, deconstruct, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble in any manner Spiral Knights or any portion thereof, including but not limited to any character, graphic, associated software or proprietary communications protocol used by the software or any utilities, applications, emulators or tools derived therefrom; "
But yeah fix that, OOO.

You agree not to do any of the following prohibited actions:
1.reproduce, distribute, publicly display or perform, translate, modify, adapt, create derivative works from, deconstruct, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble in any manner Spiral Knights or any portion thereof, including but not limited to any character, graphic,
The poor fanarts D:

They didn't say that to would be TOMORROW exactly, did they? :o
New Italics Pending.

I don't know if any other aspiring shieldofiles have noticed, but you currently cannot reroll a 3rd UV on a shield. If you have a triple uv shield, and you choose to lock 2 uv's and reroll one uv, it won't take your crowns and after the cruddy uv sound effect it says unexpected system error. Hopefully they fix this so i can waste some more crowns.

"Nonna will be in town through April 30th, 2012. She will return some time in the future, but you never know which monsters she will have available for adoption!"

that they can't have made anything in such a short time. What if they were working on a bigger project and just threw out the pets to keep us happy until they were able to finish?

I'll have to estimate that it's going to be on Tuesday. Ever heard of "Patch Tuesday", Kive? That's the most common day that any organization in the world will release a patch. Emergency fixes usually happen on days other than Tuesday, though.

Patch Notes:

So, you think it's going to be the usual? :D
not 1 uv, not 2, not 3, not 4 ....

Either new weapons and excitement
Bug fixes and boring

They will release more accessories.
Yes OOO. Throw more at us. We love them, we really do.
Even the noobs who got them for free those bastards.

On tomorrow's patch trinkets will now be able to be seen on the character! Frabjous day for all!

I actually would like it if there would be a modeled trinket on the character.

10 cents on the new rescue camp.
And 2 bucks on lotsa whine.

"not 1 uv, not 2, not 3, not 4 ...." --Rommil

I got excited that there might be a patch today, especially since this has been the worst week in a long time. Time to go back under my rock and sulk.

How do you know there is patch tommorow?

It already is "tomorrow" since the OP started the thread on the 30th.

How do you know there wasn't a patch on the illustrious 31st of April? Ooooweeeeoooooooo!

"Tomorrow's" (todays) patch will probably be like ever other major patch in the past year....That is to say, they patch on wednesdays.

I could be wrong, but i was under the impression that thursday patches are generally bugfixes to wednesday's patches?

Because of this thread we are skipping the patch this week. You know we only exists to spite the players. ♥
(I kid - We love you guys!)

YUNO tell us the patch, aphro?
Don't make me send over a Propaniac.

You know we only exists to spite the players. ♥
We just got told.

"You know we only exists"
Lol silly GMs, all typoing and stuff.

LOL, that was so called for.
@Psycho: Holy flaming overtimer!

What if they're skipping the patch cuz they couldn't finish all the cool new missions in one week?

Or maybe they have problems with their credit card payment service provider and thats why they cant introduce new CE promo?

At least I have something to look forward to tomorrow.

holy [solid waste excretions]...............I totally wanna play that map.........what map is that?

LOL, that is one of the best screenshots I have ever seen!

Thank Gwen for the screenshot, I'm the guy just below her literally covered with the little fiends...
Read the sad tale here:
@Alynn: Well, read my link, then look for the mission before they patch it. The monster spawner malfunctioned or something, although it beats me why there were DEVILITES in there.
so i guess we will have to wait till next week for a patch now

Perhaps a behind the scenes thing that will get the conspiracy theorists stirred up. Change the range of toothpicks in LD and such.
Bugfixes. Nothing else they can pull out in such a short time.