As I'm sure most of you know, I've been around for a pretty long time.
Longer than almost everyone.
And I'm frustrated about how mismanaged this game has become.
It's almost hard to imagine a time where this game was about freedom of choice, exploration and having fun with friends without having to pay for something first. People don't believe me when I tell them you could go from Depth 1 to 29 in Proto Gear and stand a chance, that FSC used to take hours instead of minutes. That Gremlin Menders were the most challenging enemy in the game. That Vanaduke was actually difficult. That Divine Avengers and Gran Fausts were 800 Crowns from Basil.
When I look back and I remember all of the great things that got removed that people never got to experience it disappoints me.
Shrine of Slumber, Tortodrone, Super Brawl, Gold Trojan...
That little danger room off the side of Jelly Farm II...
It's not even scratching the surface of what I miss.
Now Spiral Knights just offers you every opportunity to pay your way to the end of the game to experience, well... Nothing in particular.
All of the restrictions put in place, the Tiers, the Expansion Missions, the Shadow Lairs. It's all a subtle hint at a progression that doesn't really exist. An imaginary wall you can dissipate with the power of money. Expansion Missions putting a physical paywall between you and your friends if you do not purchase them for yourself.
Crystal Energy is only useful for crafting, for everything else you have to sell it for Crowns. This is an elaborate ruse to add to the illusion of there being a lot of paying customers when it's really just a select few players with open wallets shelling out cash for the never ending stream of Featured Auctions and UVs. You might think "Oh it's impossible for just a small percentage of players to fund an entire market", but look at the constant stream of items and their finishing bids then tell me it's even possible for a completely free player to acquire any of them. The CE walls in the Exchange are proof that there are players who mass sell their CE for Crowns to purchase these items.
OOO isn't even trying to hide the fact they're just glorified RMT middlemen at this point. They're just cashing in on it as hard as they can.
And it makes me mad.
It makes me mad to think that the only thing keeping me here is the sentiment for a game that hasn't existed for over a year.
It makes me mad to think that a game with such potential could up just being another bitter disappointment.
And it makes me mad to think people find this acceptable and are not only willing to pay money for it, but openly defend it.
If this were were any other game made by any other developer I would have quit already.
But sometimes hope nestles itself in the most foolish of places.
And that's it.
I've had my say.
I can't quit any more than I already have, I only use the game as a glorified chat client as it is.
But hopefully this is the first step to getting it out of my system.
If you have anything to add, go ahead.
I can't guarantee that you're right, or that I will respond to you.
But you're entitled to your own say just like me.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
Wait, who are you again?