So i was starting a party for Royal Jelly mission, when one of my newly made friends from yesterday's events so happened to pop up into the room. At first I was greatly well, bothered. He was in full proto gear, with a thwack hammer and a proto gun. Naturally I didn't feel like this was going to work, but being nice, I let him try it for one level.
I was dead wrong...
Not only did he actually kill stuff with his little hammer, he pulled of a difficult revive, and offered to tab me, cuz i revved alot to keep him alive. (well just twice because i revved him, twice cuz i was stupid.) On top of that he was not whining or annoying or begging for revs when he died. And there was a lot of times I had to kite a bit killing enemies while he was dead on the ground.
The-Hidden-Sword, you have restored part of my faith into the noob community.
Thank you.
Faith into noob community?? Noobs are the worst things you meet in internet and you praise them and have faith in theme?