What is your daily routine in spiral knights? Mines are....
Say hello to my guildies if they're on
check if there is space in FSC run
feeling very tired after the run and lazy around in haven
more FSC runs.....
What is your daily routine in spiral knights? Mines are....
Say hello to my guildies if they're on
check if there is space in FSC run
feeling very tired after the run and lazy around in haven
more FSC runs.....
/loiter & FSC since that is where the activity of this game is mostly @
Sometimes do some PvP but MEH
>log on
>go to haven
>greet people
>check AH for business stuff obviously, not goofing around. nope nope.
>sit around and wonder what to do
>whine cause im poor
>find something to do
>whine it wasn't as good as expected
>slide down some stairs
>semi-afk s'more
>check AH again
>do a fsc with a chicken egg on my head in proto with a gran faust
>whine it was boring
>whine s'more
>log off
- Do prestige
- Run a Non-FSC T3 gate solo (though open party), and open all danger rooms
- Bet (in my head) that anyone who happened to join will leave after checking Basil
- Continue to core, party or not. Still open danger rooms.
- Log out satisfied
My daily routine is:
- hurr hurr durr durr
- herp derp
- craft 2 spiral demo helms
- hurf durf
- herp sperg derp
- run away when someone whom I deleted from my friendlist shows up
- durr durr hurr
- run prestige
- hurr a durr
- durrrrrrrrrrrrr durrrrrrrrrrrr
- watch the gates rotation
- crash
>Wake Up
>Log In(IronSkullKid)
>Select Character(Ironskullkid)
>Greet Guildmates
>Do my Daily 3 RJP Runs, because E-Pass Expired
>Look around the Auction House
>Log Out
>Log In(ZeroTheThief)
>Select Character(Rikku-The-Huntress)
>Do RJP Runs to Obtain Jelly Gems for Antigua(9/20)
>Look around the Auction House again
>Log Out
>Log In(IronSkullKid)
>Select Character(Ironskullkid)
>Look around Auction House a third time
>Log Out
>Roam the Forums
everyone's daily routine are all pretty interesting. I'm asking everyone about this is because some people gets bored by this game after doing the same routine everyday so I'm doing some research on peoples :)
- Log in
- Say hello to some friends if they are online
- do daily prestige missions
- craft 2x 2* wep or armor and hope to get lucky with uvs
- check Auction house if there's some cheap stuff to resell
- Admire me guns
- Log out
- Log in
- Buy trinket slot upgrade
- Log out
>Log in
>Do missions to get better
>Be well built for what is gonna happen
>see mission difficulty is yellow
>Get brutally murdered by everything
>Wonder what just happened
>Rage quit
Spam RJP runs
Rinse and repeat.
- Logon
- Alt Craft
- Change account
- FSC, starting from Emberlight
- Lockdown
- - Maybe GvG
- Minecraft
1) Check Prestige missions.
2) If the second mission requires materials or minerals, take care of that first.
3a) If the prestige Clockworks mission doesn't involve fiends or a Candlestick Keep, do that.
3b) If the prestige Clockworks mission does; hope to join a party that doesn't exist, and eventually decide to do it later.
4) FSC run
5a) If second prestige mission requires Supply Packs, go buy those.
5b) Resign myself to solo-ing the first prestige mission if it's fiends or a Candlestick.
?) Invited somewhere, "sure why not".
6) Another FSC run.
7) Play Blast Network for a bit.
8) Stand in haven and stare at screen blankly for 15-20 minutes
9) Remember to place some bids on crafting materials which I'm running out of.
10) Put up an offer to purchase CE
11) Log onto alts for mist crafting and/or purchasing slot upgrades.
-Log on
-Select character(either Sydroux or Epiclazer)
-Do a random mission
-Play a little Lockdown
-Go to haven and roam around
-Check the AH
-Roam around some more
-Get bored to the point where I log off
1.log in
2.greet guild mates
3.do my daily RJP runs (sometimes FSC)
4.hang out a bit with friends or guild mates
5.log off
1.log in
2. see witch friends/guild mates are on
3.do missions with said friends/guild mates
4. browse auction house for good deals
5. possibly buy auction house deals
6.hang around talking to random people
7. go to guild hall if people are there
8.play lock down
9.hang around some more
10.log out
Greet guild members.
Do daily/rank missions.
While saving/ have no time
- Nah, secret :3
When I'm finally done saving...(Heating mode)
-Greets Guildies and
-Go to T1 clockworks or just spam RJP(Rarely)(To heat up)
-Say goodbye to guildies
-Log off and roam to forums
-Play elements the game hurp durp
All Heated up
-Greets Guildies
- RJP with no deaths in the 2 levels and never dare to enter the boss(I luv JK, will never kill him till I get 4*)
-After all mist is lost/satisfied...
-Log off
-Roam in the forums...
-Play elements the game hurp durp durp
If I have something I want to craft:
> Play some lockdown (or FFA BN)
> Public FSC
> buy energy
> Public FSC
> buy energy
> Friend/guild FSC maybe
> Play some lockdown
> Get invited to a FSC run by a friend
> repeat
If I don't have anything I want to craft:
> Public FSC
> buy energy
> Play lockdown/BN
> sell enamorocks
> Public FSC/Public Arcade/Help someone on a mission
> Play lockdown/BN/get invited to a FSC.
> end
The FSC thing is super grindy, but I have multiple loadouts to give me variation on how to play.
It's sort of a vicious cycle, because I want to add more items to my inventory to add variation, but that means I need to craft, and needing to craft means grinding more FSC, haha.
I quess FSC runs is the only way to earn crowns quickly without purchasing any ces :P
It's not the -only- way, but it's one of the quickest and most reliable.
If you only do the Vanaduke part of the run (this is 40 CE for the levels, 10CE to do Vanaduke) and your party doesn't wipe out, you get about enough (and a little more) to buy 100CE. So that's raw 50 CE profit (60 CE, if you only do the stages). If you do the boss, you get 3 almirian seals, and 30 almirian seals gets you ancient plate armor that you can sell for 30k, or 400CE.
1) Check alt to craft stuff
2) Login on Canozo
3) /g /emote waves.
4) Do prestige.
4.1) You want a Voltedge knights form prestige mission? HAHA no.
5) Do FSC.
6) Im out of mist
7) Play some lockdown
8) Get bored
9) Go to AH and look like "Im watching the AH, bidding on some expensive stuff, I look so pro"
10) Get bored of that
11) Log off
12) Repeat next day.
-log on
-if canozo is on, I make fun of him
-check ah
-if bored, I play lockdown or do vana
-once finished, I go on my alts to craft with mist (12 crafts a day on alts only)
-go back to my main and make fun of canozo some more
-go on vent and make fun of canozo if he is there
-sit in haven, check forums, guild recruitment thread, general discussion
-then make fun of canozo, again.
From here, I usually either sit in haven, play lockdown, do a shadow lair if asked, king of ashes, or run around and chat with people, like canozo, although I am usually making fun of him when I am talkin to him.
the daily life of Snark
Snarkey was just kidding!
Canozo and I are good friends, although the LD skill level is very different.
My daily routine is...Different. I say no more at the fear of being stalked by particular breeds of knights. :x
make 350k crowns
count my crowns
ignore beggers
take a screenshot of my new crowns
make another 100k crowns
buy a rare accessory for about 3-400k (leaving a small profit)
log out.
i just wanted to perpetuate "rommil is super wealthy merchant" thoughts.
Log in.
type /away busy bizzy bizy.
Check the Featured Auction house
look at rose costumes
look at aura, prism, divine, volcanic, shadow accessories
craft with my four alts.
put junk on AH
--buying mats to craft as necessary-
log out.
Then i may or may not log back in to do a vana/jk run after work. But only if i need heat. I don't play unless i need heat. thats half the profit of a run O.O in my opinion.
Log on
go in ready room
say hi to guildes and friends
do a RJP run
chill in haven
go on RT run
log off
whoa..rt runs?
can i buy static capacitors from you @ 28k each ( a little more than the going AH rate for pulsars and catalyzers)
-Wake up
-Brush teeth/get dressed in my divine veil + chaos cloak (these are the most comfortable)
-Drink my coffee and eat jelly gems and whatever Biscotii cooks for breakfast. While I eat, I usually read the event hub. On occasion however, I will hear a huge shifting in the world, will black out and then end up waking up again, it kind of hurts. When this happens, I always get a message from Spiral HQ saying that something in the world has changed. It usually require me to pay the strangers a mysterious currency that I can't seem to attain easily to get, and comes as a bonus with the crystallized form of mist energy the strangers sell. I just don't like the headaches, anyways...
-Head to the ready room to receive information on my latest task from the command
-Send telepathic messages to my friends, whom seem to materialize in their ready rooms ready to join me.
-Begin my mission, usually something about knights getting lost in the clockworks, or about delivering rock salts to encampments surrounded by lichens.
-Gear up and get ready with my friends. I usually take a bit longer than them.
-Fight fight fight through whatever mission Spiral Headquarters has sent me.
-Receive my reward. Usually something called "prestige". I don't get why this "prestige" is so important- it doesn't seem to do anything, and no one respects it because the richer knights are able to easily attain it. On that note-
-Refuse to donate my weapons to the knights that I just rescued- they don't deserve them anyways, getting captured like that. Strangely, turning in my weapon in favor of sitting around Haven and playing with the items the strangers have pays me more prestige than actually fighting and rescuing knights. Or, if all that Spiral HQ needs is an ecto drop or two, I may give it to them. They pay more for these than for fighting too. I don't know what they even do with the stuff, and sometimes they ask me for things that simply don't exist. (What the heck is a wishbone?)
-I then defeat the firestorm citadel several times. I don't know why I do this, but I always do it anyways- it seems that its all that I fight at times. I typically do this twice, or even three times. Sometimes, if I'm not feeling up to it, I'll defeat the jelly king. Its the strangest thing though- no matter how many times I defeat Lord Vanaduke in his burning world of horrors, he just reappears the next time I visit the place. No attempt to fix this terrifying reappearance of objects has worked. But the slags surrounding his lair typically turn into more coins than in other places and Spiral HQ pays more for the mysterious tokens he drops, so I defeat him anyway.
-I return to my home in Haven, after checking the Auction House for good deals to defend myself with. They've typically got several weapons there, although many are over priced.
-When I do get to my small flat in Haven I try to talk to some of my friends. Some respond, but others don't. I wonder if this is linked in any way to the mysterious disconnected look they get in their eyes at time.... or the strange way that I sometimes jump about wildly when too many movable objects are in way.
-And then it is off to sleep again.
check forums
troll go to sleep
check forums trol go to sleep
@Rommil, you're amazing, trying to get your items on the general discussion section.
All week I'll Grind Rt so I sell u some statics rommii :)
Check AH
Start a conversation in haven
RT/Training hall/Lockdown
>Log on
>Tell Tersa how much CE I spent in the last 2 days
>Tell him to get his own money
>Stare at my shield
>Sit in haven and complain how the game is going to (Crap)
>Start FSC run, complain it's boring and Up to Haven, Log off
>Log back on an hour later
>Try and sell gear
>Ward off beggers
>FSC run w/ Mister-Chilled
>Check AH for no apparent reason
>Sit in haven, talk to randoms
>Check forums, back to FSC grind
>Wake up
>Eat weet-bix
>Check if there is an update for SK
>Log into SK
>Say hello to people
>Check AH
>Get bored of checking the AH
>Decide to do JK
>Invite random guildy to JK
>Kill random guildy in JK and steal their heat
>Finally kill JK
>Go back to haven and pay people 1cr per lap around to fountain to help promote fitness
>Get bored again
>Start stalking random tall people till they decide to move havens
>Leave Sexy Knight because Iapples is evil
>Rejoin Sexy Knights because I missed the sexiness
>Watch as Iapples collects 2 lockboxes in one day then rolls a few times and get pierce max shadowsun, vh slime ss, ctr med ss and other stuff
>Complain that Punch, the crafting machine and the prize wheel all hate me
>Do RT run
>Wish that more people do RT
>Help the RT solve their emotional issues
>Watch as my help was useless while they start shooting each other
>Sit by and watch the fireworks
>Watch as one of the Roarmulus Twins die and the other feels bad
>Watch the surviving Roarmulus run away in sadness and despair
>Watch a shiny token flip around for a while
>Get your hopes up that you will get 4 or 5 tokens
>Get 3 tokens
>Get my hopes up that I will find a piece of equipment in a chest
>Get no equipment in the chests, only a few vials and pills
>Get my hopes up for the prize wheel
>Get some health or a full health restore on the prize wheel
>Become depressed
>Decide to drink 2L of mocha
>Realize that drinking 2L of mocha isn't a good idea
>Feel sick
>Be sick
>Attempt to get the remnants out of your mouth
>Give up
>Get bored
>Play LD
>Get poked to death in LD
>Give up on LD
>Check the AH for nothing
>Poke random people till my voice becomes hoarse
>Talk to people
>Get bored
>Leave SxK again
>Rejoin SxK
>Run around Haven for awhile
>Get bored
>Go semi afk for a few hours
>Pretend I'm still afk because I'm too lazy to respond to people
>Say hello to beggars
>Ask for money from beggars
>Watch beggars swear at me
>Craft stuff with my alts
>Complain that i didn't get any uvs in my 30 last crafts
>Become depressed
>Decide that being depressed was boring
>Log off
>Log on 10 mins later
>Stare at random people costumes
>Buy some confetti
>Use all my confetti
>Buy some more confetti
>Use confetti
>Wonder where all my money went
>Complain that I'm poor
>Do Vana
>Kill Vana
>Hug Vana because people don't hug him enough
>Go to the core
>Wish the core still hade all the treasure boxes instead of just that one bucket of bolts
>Look at the guy duel wielding at the core
>Wish I could duel wield
>Log off SK
>Look at the forums about duel wielding
>Realize that it perhaps wasn't such a great idea
>Hug all the unhappy people on the forum
>Realize that my post was a bit too long
>Go to sleep
>Log On
>Prestige Mission(s) as long as they aren't fiend
>RJP Solo/PuG
>RT Solo/PuG
>Progress on the newest gate (T1-2 first day of gate, T3 second)
>FSC until I get tired
>Roll for UVs
>Log Off
-Log on
-Crush my butt against a chair and burn my eyes out via LCD screen
- Log on
- Run around haven for a while
- Look at AH for recipes
- Say hi to friends and guildmates
- Run as many rank missions as I can (Or if I'm trying to raise money, I go down to Moorcroft Manor and venture into tier 2)
- Do PvP for a while if I feel like it
- Check AH again
- If it's Saturday, deposit minerals in an attempt to form a construct stratum.
Well, my schedule is...
-Log on
-Check AH
-Log off
Still waiting for some new content, OOO.
Also, why didn't anyone do a LIKE A BAWS parody yet?
Right now its:
-Log on
-Say hi to guildmates and friends
-Absentmindedly check the auctions
-Do the prestige missions
-Maybe help someone with a run of some kind
-Log off to play another game.
The next time I'll allow myself to play more of this game will be with the next content patch/more a-d'aww-reble monster pockets.