Hi, this is my item selection for 5*. Actually I'm using 2* gear but I ned o know if I'm doing a good choice for future:
Cutter -> Dread Venom Striker :fast weapon with normal and poison damage
Divine Veil -> Shadow & elemental defense, fire, curse and shock resist
Skolver coat -> Normal & piercieng defense, freeze resit, increase sword damage
Royal jelly shield? ->Normal & piercieng defense, sleep & stun resist.
I read in T3 are necessary resist and defense for all damage types, and this is the more equilibrated sellection I founded vs all types of enemies
about shields:
1) some people say shields gives resists always (when it is't in use)
2)and other says that they are defenses (and not resists) who do it.
3)Others say you don't recieve nothing from shield if it isn't activated.
I selected This item thinking 1) says true. otherwise I must change shield and helmet to re equilibrate protections