The next person had to use over 10 SoLs to complete a DaN run.
Hit and Miss
Not enough rank.
The poster below has Minecraft.
P.S. Is Minecraft still worth playing?
minecraft on its own probably isnt too fun anymore, but it stays entertaining with mods
(and 10 sparks in dan? you must be playing with a bunch of noobs vana)
the next poster has been farming frozen wishlists
How did you know?
The next poster doesn't know what to call the wishlist arena thingies.
Hit. I will now dub them... I seriously have no idea.
The next poster has to save winterfest omg or the kids won't get Devilite statues omg djhdebjekxicycyhdhbennemekskdoodofifuguutyrhbqnqnsnnsjdjcncmcmckclfpfpfijchdbdh
We don't need to give kids toys, We grind for clothes!
The next poster has never been to mount Krampus
The next poster knows about (don't paste into browser, tell if you actually know it)
Never heard of it.... What is it?
Edit: there we go, now it's working; That seems pretty cool.
The next poster is excited for next year's movie slate.
Miss, rather miss. is a site where there are indie game giveaways and codes for prizes.
The next poster will say miss.
if I answer hit then I havent said it so that makes it a miss, but if I say miss then I have said it so its a hit, and if I answer hit I havent said it and its a miss...
@ "how did you know" well, everyones been farming wishlists so it was a safe guess, but I did half (maybe 3/4) expect someone who doesnt play the game to respond
also, people are calling them winterfest danger rooms, winterfest rooms, grinchlin rooms, and sometimes just danger rooms
but mostly theyre identified by an invite with a "_____ tells you "I found one""
the next poster has never had a no spark grinchlin assault run
edit: post number 11 11, make a wish guys
Hit: 2 hard how do I win ngaaaaaaaah
The next poster tells their guildmates about their prize boxes.
The next poster really really wants one of the winter pullovers or striped onesies.
I want another so I can sell it...
The next person has a winter themed costume
Though you are entirely welcome to give me one of the onesies, I can't wait for them to come on normal colours (hallow heavy regal etc) they look so cool too bad they only come in colors that don't suit my costume.
The next poster knows why so many people (I know its only like me, vana and matik, but I'm sure there are others) have changed the're profile pictures recently? I myself did it because I saw someone else with my old profile picture and decided to be unique, but I'm inquisitive...
Hmm..........Hmm........ I like that word, Excuse me while I change my Forum Knight. So if you see "Inquisitive" running around I guess that will be me....Yes, I just momentarily derailed a thread that didn't have a topic in the first place. I know, I'm just that good...........
-Aha! there we are! I changed it. Though Inquisitve was taken so I was forced to add Ego to the end, though no biggy (whoever took that name I shall now eat your soul)
Miss. No clue.
Matikclocker doesn't look like the Techplay gamehost I remember.
Vanaduke-Destroyer's avatar looks like a complete dousche for some reason. (No offense)
Professor-Ego I haven't known you long enough to care sorry :C
Anyways, the next poster has the smartness to shoot, smack, or bomb their frozen allies. Right? Please?
Oh, I'm smart enough, It's just when all the enemies are dead (A first priority in my mind) they tend to be unstuck.
Hmm, actually come to think of it one can tell a lot about a person (or at least badly guess) from their avatar, take me for instance, I picked this one because like I tend to explode when prodded, and you don't really know what coming out, be it the gentle encouragement of the mewkat (AND YET WE STILL MURDER THEM) or the "No that's a horrible suggestion because it doesn't concur with this piece of lore, that no one but a wiki scavenger like me knows about!!!" forum rage of the Silversap. I liked Matik's old avatar because for whatever reason it worked so well with what he was doing over with Techplay (so sad I never worked up the commitment to join and keep up with whatever the heck went on over there), While his new one looks like the sort of 8 year old that gets stuck on Hall of Heroes so goes and writes a "SK is dead" thread in GD. (no offence meant, your decision is your own)... come to think of it, I agree about Vana's avatar, though no idea why (*cough*)
AGGGGHHHH the derails, but don't worry Ladles and Jellyspoons, we shall now get back on the tracks with an actual assumption.
The next poster has one of the "fan-art" avatars or the treasure box avatar, thus making the assumption that they occasionally to something arty or somesuch thing that goes in the treasure vault
The next person knows what having a greaver avatar does that mean for me.
I have no idea.
The next poster has used a name change pass ingame.
The next poster preferred Profess- Inquisitive-Ego's old profile picture.
Yeah fine I'll change it back...
The next poster prefers my current profile picture (or the monster box one for those of you that are reading this by the time I bother to change it.)
P.S. @ Crazee-Pi my assumption is that you are loved by some, hated my others (avatar is a butterfly/bat like creature, albeit an evil dps monster one and that you occasionally get up to mischief at the expense of others (hence the greifer/greaver thing)
Disclaimer: I apologize in advance if and when I get my predictions horribly wrong, they are just educated guesses based off a picture next to your name ... maybe I should start a personality quiz type thread based off of peoples avatars...hmm...
@pi being a greaver means youre annoying but people eventually grow up and get used to you
(also does anyone feel like humbugs are easier to kill than regular greavers?)
the next poster wants to see ego's avatar personality quiz
Although I don't think it counts. I'd be happy to start it if the want/need was great enough and you guys decided how it should work (I would probably prefer the "make assumptions based off of your current avatar" format, though if I sat down and thought about it I could come up with a "What avatar are you" quiz)
also my old avatar (or current, once again depending upon time of reading) was the explosive block.
The next poster watches/listens to stuff in the background while they do their forum runs.
a while ago I actually recognized different names have patterns to the kind of person the player is
mostly knowing by the name if someones arrogant/dense at a glance, so far its worked every time
the next poster has gotten something frosty during this event
The next poster has at least one Winterfest Prize Box item other than the Impostoclaus set.
Hit. It's Pajamas. I don't like their color.
The next person got hit by a non snowball object by another player (not in LD) during their Winterfest.
The next person hit a Grinchlin with a Grinchlin Snowball in Grinchlin Assault!.
If I could actually make it to any grinchlins in that impossible mission without dying of fear or cold, i would probably shoot them first anyway.
The next person has played/watched Slime Rancher.
The next poster has 10+ Phosphur Slimes or Phosphur Largos in Slime Rancher.
The next poster has achieved a maximum of 100k crowns or higher before. Or has more than 100k right now.
Though Donations are welcome, IGN Professor-Ego.
The next poster Is giving someone an ecto drop (or multiple) to a friend for Christmas.
The next poster is giving someone [redacted due to surprise ruining in case the recipient happens to read these forums] for Christmas.
Hit. How did you know I was giving a giant fire-breathing cuddling raspberry-scented pizza for christmas?
The next poster will tell me their favorite slime in Slime Rancher.
Since its the only slime I currently own due to an accident, It would have to be a breed I made (however accidently), The Phosphor Rocky Largo, A highly profitable (they drop two types of plorts, both of which sell for 15-30 coins each) and relatively low maintenance (though probably because their corral has every upgrade) and hardy breed which look positively adorable (on a side note, can someone tell me how to view/share my screenshots? )
The poster is having/had/will have (stupid time zones) an above average Christmas
I got sick. :(
The next poster has never seen my knight ingame.
Helps that I don't know your IGN, because I might have seen you in Haven or something.
The next poster has not seen my knight in game IGN Professor-Ego of Explorators Machina
^ Er, his name is basically saying "Alt of Wqksayi"...
The next poster has seen a Phosphur Slime "steal" (pick up and fly away holding) another slime in the wild (in Slime Rancher).
Screw my procrastination, didn't subscribe in time, so I don't have Slime Rancher.
The next person has a smartwatch, smartphone or something that begins with "smart".
Matik, you don't need to subscribe. Just go to > Slime Rancher > Playtest Guide.
The next poster knew the above.
The next person believes in multiplayer in Slime Rancher.
I detected a rival in the forums: Turbo-Nano. Ooh, if Nano(nizer) and (Turbo-)Nano will meet up...
Also, if Turbo-Nano would post here then would you think he is my alt?
The next poster played a Game Test/Pre-Alpha/Kickstarter/Alpha/Beta games. Must be in these stages, fully released games don't count even if you played in early stages.
The next poster used the /derp command today before seeing this post.
Logging on to SK now, missed by a milimetre.
The next poster has had to (or been tempted to) stop playing a game because of a toxic community (other than SK during the Gunner Update fiasco)
Miss, they're 1*/2* and largely useless.
The next poster wants a 5* cautery sword line.
I'm in a supportive mood.
The next person has eaten some form of fruit or vegetable today (pogofruit, cuberrys and heat beets count)
The next poster wants to heat their Vacpack so it'll be more powerful, like in SK!
I will tell you why.
"But what if it explodes?" -Beatrix
The next poster found this funny.
The next poster still wants to heat their Vacpack so it'll be more powerful, like in SK!
I got hit once and then vowed it would never happen again, I only wish that worked in DaN.
The next poster has bought a winterfest present with tokens.
edit: New page!