One of the members in my pick up group party really pushed my secret button just now. We're fighting a trojan & he has aggro, next thing I know he runs towards me & the trojan hits me stun-hard silly.. Of course he saw me charging my sword, tho I can't blame him for this since he's not a mind-reader but this is just snarbolaxxahfhdfkh NOT-FRABJOUS. I cussed @ him tho my chat is filtered but idk about theirs. I died because of that, I let go of my charge & flew right into spikes STUNNED. I was waiting for him to let the trojan attack his way but noooo, he runs to me, where I'm behind the trojan waiting for him to face his direction so I can charge attack him.
I'm becoming one of you.... I dun like this shame..
Sun, 05/06/2012 - 20:46

Dem noobs :/
Resist! There is still hope!