Would you like to see Anti-Necro functions added into the forum. Something simple like after 2 months of inactivity the thread becomes locked? I think this would be a welcome addition to our forums. I've never seen another forums where threads were so consistently necro'd (sometimes on purpose, sometimes on accident).
Would u look to see Anti-Necro functions in forum?

The question is would you like to see. Not, i think there should be. Therefore, general discussion.
But thank you for your feedback in the DISCUSSION of this idea. Look forward to seeing what others think.

Yes, but you dont really see that the thread is locked, so you are tempted to do it, but when you do it, it gets locked and you get auto ban on forum.
Unfortunatly, this forum will never get an upgrade, on their brand new game OOO made forum same as this one, no new features, no anthing. If they would actually want to improve something im sure they would do it with new forum for new game to test it out while there is not much content there and lately implement it to other forums, rather than upgrading all forums at once.
They just dont care.

That is, I hate seeing year-old posts which I actually RECOGNIZE become necro-d. The only problem is, bazaar threads? Pages will get a month of activity due to never being on page 1, and you will have to post a new thread.
@Xombie You just got trolled.

"That would force the forums to have 500 new threads about a rare monster or the best way to make money, ect."
That would be a valid argument if people didn't already make dozens of threads about the same thing. Doesn't justify bringing up a thread from May 2011 about energy rising over 4000.

Good point paweu. I actually considered that, and it sorta adds to my frustration. The fact that we will have 4 active threads about the same thing on one page, then someone bumps a year old thread that actually would have warranted having the thread remade. For example i would have rather seen a new swift strike buckler thread (if someone wanted input on it) rather than a year old swift strike bucker thread being bumped so someone could say, 'i don't know i kinda like it in t2'. ....*facepalm*
@Raisinfist, i didn't think of the bazaar. I will say as someone who is very active in buying and selling things that when i see a bazaar post that is been being bumped since september and has 200 posts my eyes just kinda glaze over. I've actually whispered my friends who do this and requested they start the thread anew. It becomes difficult to wade through it and decipher what they still have or have sold. Even if they actively keep their original post clean and up to date, it can be daunting to make offers. I've been 'burned' (no loss, just waste of time) so many times by making offers on items that SURPRISE have been gone for 3 weeks lol.

Perhaps you have to have a certain amount of posts before you can necro a topic.
Say 100 posts to necro a 2 month topic
200 posts to necro a 6 month topic
500 posts means you can post anywhere.

This is Drupal, so never expect any new features ever.

Why not have it where we have to submit a support ticket in order to revive a topic and stating a good reason why the topic would need reviving? Although this would take a long time (And have much more work for GM's) it should stop the whole bumping/necro problem.
However like I said, I'd doubt they'd implement such a feature as it can clearly be exploited in a few ways and make it a living H*ll.

Given that Three Rings bewilderingly continue to use Drupal, you've got no chance of seeing any basic features that any well-designed forum would've had years ago, let alone in 2012. I'd go revive Jim-Dale's old thread about trying to convince them to move the community to a better provider, but I highly doubt Three Rings cares in the slightest about genuinely improving the forum or wiki.

I disagree. Preventing necro posts destroys stuff like WIP threads and such.

"I disagree. Preventing necro posts destroys stuff like WIP threads and such."
Wait, what?

"This is Drupal..."
No, this is OOO.
Drupal can use extensions and upgrades just like other CMS, it can use modules to extend its functionality.
I saw "normal" Drupal forums. Impossible is nothing. Someone just have to want something.
No, this is a poor idea.
That would force the forums to have 500 new threads about a rare monster or the best way to make money, ect.
Are you unable to ignore a thread you don't want to read? Why does a necro thread bother you so much? Please explain.
This is also a topic for the suggestions forum.
That is all.