Here they are!
1) How do you upgrade items? if you look on the wiki, it says that for instance that the Colbalt helm can go into the Solid colbalt helm. How can I do this?
2) Guild. I know this is the wrong Forum, but when would you say i should join/make a guild? when i have 2 star equip., 3 star? or just when i have enough energy? Should I join or make?
3) Royal Jelly. is there a certain elevator in the arcade that you need to go down to face him? if so which one. and if not, how do you face him?
4) when to do Royal Jelly?
5) the elevators in the arcades are confusing. I always go down the one to the far left. so the ones right are harder or just different?
1) Buy a recipe and craft the upgrade at an alchemy station. The Cobalt line is available from Kozma who is always in the Haven Bazaar and in Moorcroft and Emberlight. Other recipes can be found from Basil in the terminals within the dungeons; his selection will depend on your depth and will be a random selection of the available star levels (1-2* in tier 1, up to 4* in tier 2, up to 5* in tier 3).
2) Join a guild when you find a group of people you like to play/chat with and want to play/chat with often. Your gear doesn't matter for a guild, but your social inclinations do.
3) The Royal Jelly lives in the Royal Jelly Palace. Before you go down an elevator, check the tiers (he lives in tier 2) and look for the one with the Royal Jelly Palace. It will appear as purple rook icons.
4) I would do the Royal Jelly when you are almost, but not quite, ready to enter tier 3. He's definitely the most difficult thing in Tier 2. Plan ahead (poison/curse/fire potions and weapons) and bring a skilled party.
5) The elevators rotate. What is on the far left today will be gone soon and the others will move over. Position doesn't determine difficulty; type of stratum does. Typically Graveyards (tombstone icons when you look at the tiers) are considered more difficult and Arenas can be as well (although you have a choice of whether to do the more difficult later rooms of an arena. Difficulty of other levels will vary and could be dependent upon your gear (fire resist will help you in fire levels, a freezing gun won't do much good against wolvers, etc.).