So I came back to sk after not playing for months, and wanted some accessories so I could be cool like everyone else.
Quickly ended up with regal knight vision goggles and threw them on my white chapeau.
The accessory glitches through the front of the hat, looking ridiculous, as the point of the hat stabs through the middle of the goggles.
I didn't preview the item or anything, and yes it was my fault for not looking at how it would turn out, but I couldn't find any threads about it, so I just figured I'd post.
Are there any other accessory/clothing articles that don't fit together visually? You would think they would make sure items work together if they make them compatible.
If there are tons, then sorry for the returning player noob post.
If this is an exception, then, hey OOO, I found something that could use a fixing.
First of all, Regal Knight Vision Goggles on a White Chap?
The most annoying clipping that I've found is side blades on any wolver line armor. A simple removal of that little satchel on the back of the coats would fix this very easily.
And yes, there are tons, can't think of any major ones off the top of my head but I'm sure others can.