Just did a run, got 2477 crowns. Will need some more info from other people to get an average, but we're looking at roughly a 500cr decrease in profit. Not really that bad honestly, brings it more in line with Ironclaw without making it unprofitable.
New RJP Crown Output

Oh, that's not bad at all. Much better than what I feared it was.
2,763. It doesn't seem like much of a decrease at all. Still worth more than IMF :/
2,763. It doesn't seem like much of a decrease at all. Still worth more than IMF :/

So my statistics from before can actually matter!
The previous Royal Jelly Palace gave an Average of: 2,877.2 Crowns per run. (Average earned after doing 10 runs.)
Seems like they dropped the Average crowns by 100. Not really... that much.

So just like doing it from the mission?

@ Jaroche
Good point, I should clarify that my 2,678 was from the mission jelly run, not the clockwork one, which would presumably be more.

RJP mission runs for me provide the following.
~2,600 solo
~2,700 2-3 people
~2,800 4 people
~2,900 random
So the average I get on each run is 2.7K, which is only 500 crowns less than the original 3.2 I've been getting >_>
It's not a game ending problem, so don't complain... Too much.

ok, so they lowered the crown and heat energy output again...
Just did a solo run (I just do the first two floors of the mission) and got 2168 crowns. Before, I used to get between 2300 and up to 2800 crowns, but usually the average was 2500 cr + each run, so it is quite a big change again.
Guess I will need to find another way to make more crowns again =(
(Next they will probably lower Vanaduke runs, because I heard you can make up to 5k crowns there per run)
Not very happy with this particular part of the update, because they keep on lowering crown output again and again.
But on the other hand, I do like the increased speed and damage of guns, so I guess all isn't so bad. Good on ya for for that part of the update!
(p.s, how do you take a picture of yourself for the forums?)

The heat for RJP was already pretty paltry. I see no reason for a heat rebalance on RJP. I don't think anyone ever ran it and found it to give too much heat (even vs other floors now-a-days).

2689cr doing it from clockworks... so yeah got nerfed at the same level of the mission.

Consistently between 2600 and 2750 in 8 consecutive runs as opposed to before where I averaged 2900-3000. It's not that bad...
EDIT: Been continuing the runs more. It's substantially less now for some reason. Average between 2100 and 2300. Time to FSC.

The only nice thing abt RJP is bcuz you can get a sealed sword and sell it for quite a profit..... Before i used to get 2.8 now only 2.3 just recently.........

Yeah, one by one, take 500cr once, take 500 cr one more time, take 100 there, take 100 there and in the end we realize that game became even bigger grind fest and is forcing players to buy CE with $$$.

Yeah, one by one, take 500cr once, take 500 cr one more time, take 100 there, take 100 there and in the end we realize that game became even bigger grind fest and is forcing players to buy CE with $$$.

Conspiracy theories.
I was just WAITING form them to get here...

Yeah, since everyone who dont take the 'official' crap and tries to think on their own is conspiracy theorist.

"Yeah, since everyone who dont take the 'official' crap and tries to think on their own is conspiracy theorist."
Normally I'd agree, but as I'd said earlier, you do this every update to every change. And you always bring it to worst case scenario.
So I'm PRETTY SURE that counts as a conspiracy theory.

Asukalan has a point though. What he is talking about is called the Foot-in-the-door phenomenon.
For every small change in cr payout we accept, we'll be more willing to accept them in the future. And it is likely Cr payout WILL be nerfed more in the future.

it would drop to like 2000 ok so it looks like a slight increase

This is the fourth time Royal Jelly Palace has been nerfed. I'm finding it hard to care anymore.


Maybe instead of nerfing payouts, the missions in question need to be harder. Though, I wonder, maybe they want to keep lower difficulty so they can more easily put harder difficulty in future missions or tier 4, while newer people still have plenty to do.

Back when I started the game, JK levles dropped around 5k cr... poor newbies, must be hard by now.

I believe that's because you were doing the entire gate, instead of just the three RJP floors specifically.

RJP mission payouts take a small dive at the very moment Shadow Alchemers become even more ridiculously broken there. If anything I think this is just a bit of hand-holding from OOO for newbies who haven't gotten used to weapon specialization.

I liked to use my shadow weapons here to level them up in a nice way, but now there's no alternate tier 3 boss for me to kill.
Sure, you can say "Crimson hammer" but there's some problems to that:
A.) It has more (or exact amount) stages as the Duke himself, but has a much lower pay out in both heat and crowns for a tier 3 mission. Almost same difficulty, but less payout.
B.) You need to pay actual money to have this, which some people can't do.
Those 2 problems alone, especially when combined, truly bring up a problem in this game.
You can say do the clockworks, but without an elevator pass, and CE being 7k CR per 100 CE, you'll probably lose profit trying to level weapons, while before if you were willing to spam jelly king you could at least get some profit over hours of work. Now it's going to take that same amount of work to simply break even.
They really need to add either a Free to achieve Lichen Colony boss or something in order to give us some way of leveling up our poor shadow weapons that can't do anything to the horde of the undead, or maybe a Chromalisk boss. Maybe even secret final boss tortrodrones. (Can't spell that thing for the life of me.)
2,678 - Solo