Ok... Believe it or not, I support the newest patch. It means OOO is actually listening to our QQ'ing on forums about [insert monster/imbalance here].
Let me start by stating reasons I support:
1.They made the "omgIwantpetnao" happen. With a purely aesthetic accessory that didn't cause imbalance.
2.They are trying to balance out weapon loads and everything, making it to where swords won't be the only thing you see anymore.
3.They are indeed attempting to make PvE play fun and relatively enjoyable.
Now, my problem here... is one major factor.
There's a difference between enjoyable and completely mind-numbing within 2 runs.
What I propose to OOO and players through General Forums:
1. Fellow knights, quit whining so much about patches the instant they come out, likely that every thread complaining results in OOO wanting to leave this game alone. Something I don't want and neither do you.
2. Fellow knights, realize the devs are (yes, I'm stating this blasphemy) NOT GODS! While they do control pretty close to everything in-game, there are many aspects resulting in potential error. This means the world they create will likely never be abso-[insert cussword strings]-lutely perfect. Human error and technical errors alike.
3. Fellow knights, the devs are not (and will never be capable of being) masters of balance. Even games people have worked on for 7 years (diablo 3 I'm looking at you) are not perfectly balanced.
4. New content is tough to come up with, however, the devs assure us P2P'ers alongside F2P'ers within the community that new content is inbound for the game. This means they want that new stuff as much as we do.
5. Devs, I'm not part of the beta server, so I don't know... but any and all BALANCING PATCHES deserve a good run through beta gaming before being enacted on the real server. Provide both your players and your work the respect it deserves.
6. Devs, with the passing of SK's anniversary, I suggest that your veteran accounts that are still active (1 year players) get a beta account if they do not already. Reasons being, that they know SK like the back of their hand, they've been willing to stay through all the patches that so many others have quit because of, and they love SK's content and wanna see it doing better.
7. Devs, I believe more threads like the one Nick made awhile ago involving the Argent Peacemaker and Sentenza lines (how their split damage was being changed to pure damage) patch. I know I enjoyed how nick presented the idea to the community and let us give our feedback on how we thought the patch should go. I'm sure the rest of the community would prefer more threads like that.
8. Devs, continue your work. I support you with both my enjoyment and my wallet (what little I give). Please continue to make SK awesome.