Come on. I was in the training hall today and was playing around with my Final Flourish, when I saw this snipe. So, as some of you knights know, snipes are REALLY good when you cook them, cause they're so tender and juicy, so I tried to stab it. But I couldn't! I was so mad because I wanted that snipe to roast so bad! Why can't we kill them, just every once in awhile, to eat? I don't think knights eat anything BUT snipes. Besids, the strangers are slowly leaving, so why don't we kill the snipes while we can?
I'm seriously disapointed. PLEASE OOO, I beg you. Just let me have a snipe to eat.
You can't stab them because their feathers are cold iron steel in composition.
No, you have to love them first and psychologically get them to trust you then you skin them and cook them and awes you know the deal.